Example of the client/server 'concatenation' problem

There are fully commented client/server examples in <diet_src>/src/examples/Batch directory. The root directory contains a simple example, and TestAllBatch and Cori_cycle_stealing are more practical, the latter being a code to explain the CoRI_batch API.

The root directory contains a simple basic example on how to use the batch API is given here: no IN or INOUT args, the client receives as a result the number of processors on which the service has been executed. The service only writes to a file, with batch-independent mnemonics, some information on the batch system.

The <diet_src>/src/examples/Batch/file_transfer directory contains 3 servers, one sequential, one parallel and one batch, and one synchronous and one asynchronous client. The client is configurable to simply ask for only sequential, or explicitly parallel services, or to let DIET choose the best (by default, two processors are used and the scheduling algorithm is Round-Robin). We consequently give the MPI code which is called from the batch SeD, which realizes the concatenation of two files sent by the client. Note that the user must change some paths in the SeD codes, according to the site where he deploys DIET.

The DIET Team - Mer 29 nov 2017 15:13:36 EST