Algorithms for High-Performance Computing Platforms (2013-2014)

Lecture 1: Scheduling on Parallel Machines

Lecture 2: Problem relaxation - the divisible load theory

Lecture 3: Problem relaxation - steady-state optimization

Lecture 4: Online problems - assessing the quality of online algorithms

Lecture 5: Handling dynamicity and sources of uncertainties

Lectures 6 and 7: Resource allocation on clusters using virtual machines

Final exam

The final exam of this lecture series is a bibliographical study of a research article to be picked in the list below. Each student must chose an article and notify the teacher by mail. Each student will then have to write a report presenting and commenting the chosen article (4 to 8 pages), and present it in class (presentation of 20 minutes followed by 10 minutes of questions). Report must be sent at the latest on Monday January 6 (six).

Article Student
A Bi-Objective Scheduling Algorithm for Desktop Grids with Uncertain Resource Availabilities Simon Marchuk
Scheduling Parallel Task Graphs on (Almost) Homogeneous Multi-cluster Platforms  
Messages Scheduling for Parallel Data Redistribution between Clusters Unlu Merve
Hierarchical Work-Stealing Cocis Catalin Paul
On Scheduling Dags to Maximize Area Ionelia Aniela Popescu
Probabilistic Allocation of Tasks on Desktop Grids Vlad-Cristian Miclea
Analysis of Scheduling Algorithms with Reservations Karthik Srikanta
Scheduling with Dynamic Voltage/Speed Adjustment Using Slack Reclamation in Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems Massimiliano Fasi
Power-aware scheduling for makespan and flow  
Centralized versus Distributed Schedulers for Bag-of-Tasks Applications  

Quelques outils de recherche bibliographique:

Frédéric Vivien
Last modified: Tue Sep 23 13:32:26 CEST 2014