J'ai effectué ma thèse, intitulée "Théorie et pratique de l'ordonnancement d'applications sur les systèmes distribués", au laboratoire ID-IMAG de Grenoble, sous la direction de Denis Trystram. Un résumé succinct de ces travaux se trouve ici.
Je suis actuellement en post-doctorat au LIP, à l'ENS de Lyon, sous la direction de Frédéric Vivien, Arnaud Legrand et Martin Quinson. Ce Post-Doc se place dans un contexte de déploiement d'applications sur plate-forme distribuée à grande échelle, et s'intéresse plus précisément au développement d'algorithmes et d'outils pour la découverte de la topologie de la plate-forme d'un point de vue appplicatif.
Liste de publications
- [1]
- Lionel Eyraud. Théorie et pratique de l'ordonnancement d'applications sur les systèmes distribués. PhD thesis, Laboratoire ID-IMAG, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, 2006.
- [2]
- Lionel Eyraud. A pragmatic analysis of scheduling environments on new computing platforms. Intl. Journal of High Performance Computing and Applications, 20:507--516, 2006.
- [3]
- Pierre-François Dutot, Lionel Eyraud, Grégory Mounié, and Denis Trystram. Scheduling on large scale distributed platforms: from models to implementations. Intl. Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 16(2):217--237, 2005.
- [4]
- Olivier Aumage, Luc Bougé, Alexandre Denis, Lionel Eyraud, Jean-François Méhaut, Guillaume Mercier, Raymond Namyst, and Loïc Prylli. A portable and efficient communication library for high-performance cluster computing (extended version). Cluster Computing, 5(1):43--54, 2002.
- [5]
- Thilo Kielmann, Henri E. Bal, Jason Maassen, Rob V. van Nieuwpoort, Lionel Eyraud, Rutger Hofman, and Kees Verstoep. Programming environments for high-performance grid computing: the albatross project. Future Generation Computer Systems, 18(8):1113--1125, 2002.
- [6]
- Lionel Eyraud-Dubois, Arnaud Legrand, Martin Quinson, and Frédéric Vivien. A First Step Towards Automatically Building Network Representations. In EuroPar 2007, Rennes, 2007.
- [7]
- Lionel Eyraud-Dubois and Martin Quinson. Assessing the Quality of Automatically Built Network Representations. In Workshop on Programming Models for Grid Computing, part of CCGrid'07, Rio de Janeiro, 2007.
- [8]
- Lionel Eyraud, Grégory Mounié, and Denis Trystram. Analysis of Scheduling Algorithms with Reservations In Proceedings of 21st IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, California, 2007.
- [9]
- Pierre-François Dutot, Lionel Eyraud, Grégory Mounié, and Denis Trystram. Bi-criteria algorithm for scheduling jobs on cluster platforms. In Symposium on Parallel Algorithm and Architectures, pages 125--132, Barcelona, 2004.
- [10]
- Pierre-François Dutot, Lionel Eyraud, Grégory Mounié, and Denis Trystram. Models for scheduling on large scale platforms: Which policy for which application? In Proc. 18th Intl. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2004.
- [11]
- Olivier Aumage, Lionel Eyraud, and Raymond Namyst. Efficient inter-device data-forwarding in the madeleine communication library. In Proc. 15th Intl. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 10th Heterogeneous Computing Workshop (HCW 2001), page 86, San Francisco, April 2001.
- [12]
- Lionel Eyraud-Dubois, Arnaud Legrand, Martin Quinson, and Frédéric Vivien. A First Step Towards Automatically Building Network Representations. Rapport de recherche 2007-08, LIP, Februray 2007