Scheduling Course
Master 1 -- ENS Lyon

Course 1 : Introduction (28/01/2009)

Course 2 : Divisible Load Scheduling (30/01/2009)

Course 3 : Divisible Load Scheduling (cont.) (13/02/2009)

Course 4 : Article of DLS and Online Scheduling (27/02/2009)

Course 5 : Article from Berstimas and Gamarnik - Steady-state scheduling (06/03/2009)

Course 6 : Steady-state scheduling - Scatter, bag-of-tasks and task graphs (13/03/2009)

Course 7 : Iterative algorithms and load balancing (18/03/2009)

Course 8 : Interference between computation and communications (20/03/2009)

Course 9 : Handling dynamicity (27/03/2009)

Course 10 : Replica placement and pipelined workflows (03/04/2009)

Course 11 : Game theory and scheduling (17/04/2009)