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Who am I ?

Short Bio.:I am a research scientist in the Scalable Solvers Group in the Computational Research Division at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory since November 2015. My current research interest are highly scalable algorithms for solving large sparse symmetric linear systems.

I obtained a Master’s Degree in Computer Science from INSA of Lyon, France (National Institute of Applied Sciences). I went on to the Ecole Normale Superieure of Lyon, to complete my Ph.D. in Computer Science, focusing on algorithms and scheduling, and how hierarchical memory architectures should be handled. I then joined Laura Grigori's team at INRIA of Saclay, France, for 18 months, working on communication avoiding algorithms for dense linear algebra. I joined LBNL in 2013 as a postdoctoral fellow in the Scietific Computing Group and then the Scalable Solvers Group, focusing on various sparse linear algebra computations.

Occupation:Research Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in the Scientific Computing Group of the Computational Research Division, on extreme scale sparse linear solvers and inversion algorithms.

Developer of the symPACK solver

Involved in the development of the PEXSI library
(Pole EXpansion and Selected Inversion for sparse matrices).

PhD.:PhD. in Computer Science from the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France in the LIP (Parallel Computing Laboratory)
PhD. advisors:Yves Robert and Loris Marchal
PhD. thesis:
Memory-aware algorithms: from multicores to large scale platforms Download pdf


hal_id = {tel-00662525},
url = {http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00662525},
title = {{Memory-aware algorithms : from multicores to large scale platforms}},
author = {Jacquelin, Mathias},
affiliation = {Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parall{\'e}lisme - LIP},
school = {Ecole normale sup{\'e}rieure de lyon - ENS LYON},
type = {THESE},
year = {2011},
month = Jul,



2008-2011P.h.D. in Computer Science from the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Lyon, France.
2003-2008"Diplôme d'Ingénieur en Informatique", equivalent to a Master's Degree in Computer Science, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA), Lyon, France.


2011-2013Post Doctoral Research Associate in the INRIA's Alpines team at the LJLL ( Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions (UMR7598) ) of University Pierre and Marie Curie in Paris, on communication avoiding linear algebra algorithms


Software development,


Cycling, horse riding, rowing, R/C Models, guitar and country music