SkyData Members
SkyData Members: LIP / ENS de Lyon
LIP/ENS Lyon- Avalon Team has a strong background on distributed system design and development. Based on theoretical and practical approaches, the team deals with deployment and resource man- agement in different manners. This partner also has a worldwide expertise on Green-IT. The expertise of this partner covers every package of the project, with emphasis on WP1, WP3, and WP4.
Expertise: Data Management, Modeling, Green Computing, Middleware, Self-stabilization.

Thomas Begin
SkyData Network ExpertThomas Begin
SkyData Network ExpertAssociate Prof. HDR. LIP / ENS de Lyon

Eddy Caron
Leader of the SkyData projectEddy Caron
Leader of the SkyData projectAssociate Professor HDR. ENS de Lyon.

Elise Jeanneau
SkyData Distributed System ExpertElise Jeanneau
SkyData Distributed System ExpertAssistant Professor

Laurent Lefevre
SkyData Green-IT Expert.Laurent Lefevre
SkyData Green-IT Expert.Inria Researcher HDR. WP Leader

Etienne Mauffret
SkyData prototype expertEtienne Mauffret
SkyData prototype expertAssistant Professor at aivancity

Christian Perez
SkyData Model ExpertChristian Perez
SkyData Model ExpertDR Inria
SkyData Members: LIP6 / Sorbonne University
LIP6/SU combines expertise in distributed fault-tolerant algorithms, Cloud computing, and Multi-agent systems. The expertise of this partner covers every workpackage, with emphasis on WP2 and WP3.
Expertise: Distributed Algorithmic, Multi-agent Systems, Fault-tolerance, Cloud Computing.

Luciana Arantes
SkyData Scalability ExpertLuciana Arantes
SkyData Scalability ExpertAssociate Professor

Aurélie Beynier
SkyData IA ExpertAurélie Beynier
SkyData IA ExpertAssociate Professor HDR

Johnen Colette
SkyData Self-stabilizing ExpertJohnen Colette
SkyData Self-stabilizing ExpertProfessor Université de Bordeaux

Swan Dubois
SkyData Fault Tolerance ExpertSwan Dubois
SkyData Fault Tolerance ExpertAssociate Professor

Franck Petit
SkyData Self-stabilizing ExpertFranck Petit
SkyData Self-stabilizing ExpertProfessor. Local Coordinator.

Pierre Sens
SkyData Fault Tolerance ExpertPierre Sens
SkyData Fault Tolerance ExpertProfessor. WP Leader
SkyData Members: Verimag / Université Grenoble Alpes
Verimag/UGA has a strong background on fault-tolerant distributed algorithms, especially self- stabilization. The expertise of this partner covers WP1 and WP2.
Expertise: Distributed algorithmic, Self-stabilization, Fault-tolerance.

Karine Altisen
SkyData Self-stabilizing ExpertKarine Altisen
SkyData Self-stabilizing ExpertAssistant Professor. Local Coordinator

Stéphane Devismes
SkyData Self-stabilizing ExpertStéphane Devismes
SkyData Self-stabilizing ExpertProfessor (UPJV). WP Leader

Anaïs Durand
SkyData Self-stabilizing ExpertAnaïs Durand
SkyData Self-stabilizing ExpertAssistant Professor (UCA)

Sébastien Monnet
SkyData Distributed System ExpertSébastien Monnet
SkyData Distributed System ExpertProfessor (USMB)

Geoffrey Defalque
SkyData Network expertGeoffrey Defalque
SkyData Network expertPhd under the supervizion of Karine Altisen (Verimag) and Stéphane Devismes (UPJV)