Parallel and Distributed Algorithms and Programs (PDAP/APPD)
M1 IF, ENS Lyon, 2020-2021

Course - Anne Benoit
TDs (tutorials) and TPs (lab sessions) - Etienne Mauffret and Lucas Perotin

Course references:

Course schedule. Unless specified otherwise, the course is on Tuesday in Amphi B at 13h30, and lab sessions (TPs) and tutorials (TDs) are on Monday at 8am in Amphi B as well. One group (half of the class) will attend in person on a week, and the other group the following week. The group that does not attend in person should follow the course and TPs/TDs remotely at, on the APPD page.

There will be a programming homework, and the due date is December 13 (Sunday), 23h59 (Paris Time).
  E-Mail: Anne.Benoit at Last modified: Tue Dec 17 09:06:31 CET 2019