17th Scheduling for large-scale systems workshop
Aussois, France, June 24 - 27, 2024
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The 17th "Scheduling for Large-Scale Systems" workshop will take place from Monday, June 24 (in the afternoon) to Thursday, June 27 (after lunch), at the CAES-CNRS center in Aussois, in the French Alps. This will be the seventeenth edition of this workshop series after Aussois (2004), San Diego (2005), Aussois (2008), Knoxville (2009), Aussois (2010 and 2011), Pittsburgh (2012), Dagstuhl (2013), Lyon (2014), Dagsthul (2015), Nashville (2016), Knoxville (2017), Berkeley (2018), Bordeaux (2019),
Fréjus (2022), and
Knoxville (2023).
As in the past, the workshop will be structured as a set of thematic half-day sessions, mainly focused on scheduling and algorithms for large-scale systems. In addition to the talks (about 20 minutes each), plenty of time will be left for informal discussions and exchanges.
The workshop is by invitation only. The cost to cover the accommodation (in individual rooms), the meals and the workshop will be around 350 euros per participant.
List of participants
- Olivier Beaumont (Inria Bordeaux, France)
- Anne Benoit (ENS Lyon, France)
- Robin Boezennec (Inria Rennes, France)
- Louis-Claude Canon (FEMTO-ST, Besançon, France)
- Umit Catalyürek (AWS and Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
- Joachim Cendrier (ENS Lyon, France)
- Georges Da Costa (IRIT, Toulouse, France)
- Fanny Dufossé (Inria Grenoble, France)
- Anthony Dugois (U. Franche Comté, France)
- Redouane Elghazi (ENS Lyon, France)
- Mathieu Faverge (U. Bordeaux, France)
- Ana Gainaru (ORNL, USA)
- Bruno Gaujal (Inria Grenoble, France)
- Abdou Guermouche (U. Bordeaux, France)
- Amina Guermouche (U. Bordeaux, France)
- Maxime Gonthier (U. Chicago, USA)
- Julien Herrmann (IRIT, France)
- Valentin Honoré (ENSIEE, France)
- Svetlana Kulagina (Humboldt U. Berlin, Germany)
- Julien Langou (University of Colorado Denver, USA)
- Valentin Le Fèvre (Algodoers)
- Damien Lesens (ENS Lyon, France)
- Hatem Ltaief (KAUST, Saudi Arabia)
- Loris Marchal (CNRS and ENS Lyon, France)
- Jonas Müller Korndörfer (U. Basel, Switzerland)
- Alix Munier Kordon (LIP6, France)
- Jean-Marc Nicod (FEMTO-ST, Besançon, France)
- Adrien Obrecht (ENS Lyon, France)
- Guillaume Pallez (Inria Rennes, France)
- Grégoire Pichon (UCBL Lyon 1, France)
- Yves Robert (ENS Lyon, France)
- Veronika Sonigo (FEMTO-ST, Besançon, France)
- Ahmad Tarraf (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
- Alix Tremodeux (ENS Lyon, France)
- Frédéric Vivien (Inria Lyon, France)
- Day 1: Monday, June 24
- 15.15-16.15: Welcome and coffee break
- 16.15-16.30: Workshop introduction (Anne Benoit and Yves Robert)
- 16.30-18.00: Session 1 (Session chair: Yves Robert)
- Bruno Gaujal - The optimal frequency of a processor
- Olivier Beaumont - An Approximation Algorithm for Scheduling with Rejection Costs Proportional to Processing Times
- Alix Munier - Design of a pipelined architecture for the execution of a Neural Network
- 18.00: Appetizer and informal discussions
- 19.00: Dinner
- Day 2: Tuesday, June 25
- 9.00-10.30: Session 2 (Session chair: Bruno Gaujal)
- Mathieu Faverge - Dynamic Tasks Scheduling with Multiple Priorities on Heterogeneous Computing Systems
- Abdou Guermouche - Dynamic Task Graph Adaptation with Recursive Tasks
- Hatem Ltaief - HPC in Healthcare
- 10.30-11.00: Coffee break
- 11.00-12.00: Session 3 (Session chair: Loris Marchal)
- Valentin Le Fèvre - Stencil computations on Tensor Cores
- Maxime Gonthier - D-rex: Dynamic Data Replication for Unreliable Heterogeneous nodes
- 12.00: Lunch followed by informal discussions
- 13.20: Meeting in front of the reception for the runners
- 15.00-16.30: Session 4 (Session chair: Alix Munier)
- Jean-Marc Nicod - Powering a Data Center Disconnected from the Grid
- Georges Da Costa - Power and Performance measures for realistic HPC models
- Fanny Dufossé - Environmental impact of HPC
- 16.30-17.00: Coffee break
- 17.00-18.15: Session 5 (Session chair: Guillaume Pallez)
- Adrien Obrecht - Scheduling task graphs for average memory consumption reduction
- Alix Tremodeux - Fault-tolerant numerical iterative algorithms at scale
- Damien Lesens - Greedy algorithms for computing the Birkhoff decomposition
- 19.00: Dinner
- Day 3: Wednesday, June 26
- 9.00-10.30: Session 6 (Session chair: Amina Guermouche)
- Valentin Honoré - Pallas: HPC Trace Analysis at Scale
- Julien Langou - The I/O Requirements of Various Numerical Linear Algebra Kernels
- Jonas Müller Korndörfer - DaphneSched: A Scheduler for Integrated Data Analysis Pipelines
- 10.30-11.00: Coffee break
- 11.00-12.00: Session 7 (Session chair: Olivier Beaumont)
- Ana Gainaru - Strategies for querying large-scale scientific data
- Anthony Dugois - Solving the Restricted Assignment Problem to Schedule Multi-Get Requests in Key-Value Stores
- 12.00: Lunch
- 13.30: Social event - Hike in the mountains
- 17.00: Informal discussions
- 19.00: Appetizer
- 20.00: Festive dinner
- Day 4: Thursday, June 27
- 9.30-10.30: Session 8 (Session chair: Frederic Vivien)
- Ahmad Tarraf - Frequency Techniques for I/O
- Robin Boezennec - Scheduling Strategies for HPC Batch Scheduler with Disaggregated Memory
- 10.30-10.50: Coffee break
- 10.50-11.50: Session 9 (Session chair: Georges Da Costa)
- Joachim Cendrier - Scheduling jobs under a variable number of processors
- Guillaume Pallez - Model Design and Accuracy for Resource Management in HPC
- 11.50-12.00: Closing remarks
- 12.00: Lunch
Organizing committee:
Anne Benoit and Yves Robert (ENS Lyon, France).
For more information, please contact
Anne Benoit.
Administrative assistant:
Chrystelle Mouton.
This workshop was supported by the LABEX MILYON (ANR-10-LABX-0070) of Université de Lyon, within the program "France 2030" (ANR-11-IDEX-0007) operated by the French National Research Agency (ANR).
A previous edition of the workshop... who can guess which one it is?