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17th Scheduling for large-scale systems workshop

Aussois, France, June 24 - 27, 2024


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The 17th "Scheduling for Large-Scale Systems" workshop will take place from Monday, June 24 (in the afternoon) to Thursday, June 27 (after lunch), at the CAES-CNRS center in Aussois, in the French Alps. This will be the seventeenth edition of this workshop series after Aussois (2004), San Diego (2005), Aussois (2008), Knoxville (2009), Aussois (2010 and 2011), Pittsburgh (2012), Dagstuhl (2013), Lyon (2014), Dagsthul (2015), Nashville (2016), Knoxville (2017), Berkeley (2018), Bordeaux (2019), Fréjus (2022), and Knoxville (2023).

As in the past, the workshop will be structured as a set of thematic half-day sessions, mainly focused on scheduling and algorithms for large-scale systems. In addition to the talks (about 20 minutes each), plenty of time will be left for informal discussions and exchanges.

The workshop is by invitation only. The cost to cover the accommodation (in individual rooms), the meals and the workshop will be around 350 euros per participant.

List of participants Program

Organizing committee: Anne Benoit and Yves Robert (ENS Lyon, France).
For more information, please contact Anne Benoit.
Administrative assistant: Chrystelle Mouton.

Acknowledgements: This workshop was supported by the LABEX MILYON (ANR-10-LABX-0070) of Université de Lyon, within the program "France 2030" (ANR-11-IDEX-0007) operated by the French National Research Agency (ANR).

A previous edition of the workshop... who can guess which one it is? previous edition