Processor input and output ports are named and declared. A port may be an input
(<in> tag) or an output (<out> tag). For each input/output, the
following attributes can be defined:
- type (mandatory): contains the base type of a data, i.e., a basic
type identifier that describes the type of the data received/generated by the
port. When the data is scalar, this is the actual data type; when the data is
an array, this is the type of the data composing the array.
- depth (optional, default is 0): contains the depth of the array
if applicable.
- cardinality (optional, only for out ports with depth ):
contains the number of elements of the generated array. This value can be
provided only if it is a constant, i.e., the number of elements does not vary
for each instance of data. When the data depth is greater than 1, the format
for the cardinality attribute is a column-separated list of integers (for
example, "2:3" codes an array containing 2 arrays of 3 elements).
The DIET Team - Mer 29 nov 2017 15:13:36 EST