Compatibility and requirements

The current version of DIET Deltacloud has been built on top of the DELTACLOUD8.1 interface, version 1.1.3. DIET is linked to the LIBDELTACLOUD8.2library (version 0.9).

It is compatible with any Cloud Provider compatible with Deltacloud, for example OpenStack, OpenNebula, Amazon EC2, etc...The installation process of the cloud system will not be detailed as it is outside the scope of the current topic. For details on the installation and usage of the cloud system please refer to the Deltacloud documentation. The rest of this chapter assumes the existing installation and correct functioning of a Cloud system that the user can access.

To be able to reserve virtual resources on a Deltacloud compatible cloud system, the Cloud user must have knowledge of the following resources:

The DIET Team - Mer 29 nov 2017 15:09:02 EST