Eddy Caron,
Frédéric Desprez,
Franck Petit,
and Vincent Villain.
A Hierarchical Resource Reservation Algorithm for Network Enabled Servers.
In IPDPS'03. The 17th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium,
Nice - France,
April 2003.
Note: Hal-01431499.
Grid Computing,
@InProceedings{ InProceedingsCaron.CDPV_03,
address = {Nice - France},
author = {Caron, Eddy and Desprez, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Petit, Franck and Villain, Vincent},
booktitle = {IPDPS'03. The 17th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium},
keywords = {Grid Computing, DIET, Scheduling},
month = apr,
note = {hal-01431499},
title = {A Hierarchical Resource Reservation Algorithm for Network Enabled Servers},
url = {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01431499},
year = 2003
Eddy Caron.
Client-Server Approach for Simulation over the GRID.
In Korea-France joint Workshop on GRID computing, editor,
Application and Middleware systems,
December 2003.
Seoul National University.
Note: Hal-01431503.
Grid Computing,
@Conference{ Con-Caron.C_03*1,
author = {Caron, Eddy},
booktitle = {Application and Middleware systems},
editor = {Korea-France joint Workshop on GRID computing},
keywords = {Grid Computing, DIET},
month = dec,
note = {hal-01431503},
publisher = {Seoul National University},
title = {Client-Server Approach for Simulation over the GRID},
url = {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01431503},
year = {2003}
Eddy Caron.
Activities around Client-Server Computing over the Grid.
In French/Japan Workshop on Grid Computing,
March 2003.
Note: Hal-01431502.
Grid Computing,
@Conference{ Con-Caron.C_03,
author = {Caron, Eddy},
booktitle = {French/Japan Workshop on Grid Computing},
keywords = {Grid Computing, DIET},
month = mar,
note = {hal-01431502},
publisher = {CNRS},
title = {Activities around Client-Server Computing over the Grid},
url = {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01431502},
year = {2003}
Eddy Caron,
Pushpinder Kaur Chouhan,
and Arnaud Legrand.
Automatic Deployment for Hierarchical Network Enabled Server.
Research report 2003-51,
Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parallélisme (LIP),
November 2003.
Note: Also available as INRIA Research Report RR-5146. hal-01431490.
Grid Computing,
Network Enabled Servers,
Steady-state scheduling,
Resource localization and selection,
Abstract: |
This paper focus on the deployment of grid infrastructures, more specifically Problem Solving Environments (PSE) for numerical applications on the grid. Even if the deployment of such an architecture is forced by physical constraints (firewall, access permission, security,...) its efficiency heavily depends on the quality of the mapping between its different components and the grid resources. This paper proposes a new model based on linear programming to estimate the performance of a deployment of a hierarchical PSE. The advantages of the modeling approach in this case are multiple: evaluate a virtual deployment before an actual deployment, provide a decision builder tool (i.e., designed to compare different architectures or buy new resource), take into account the platform scalability. Using this modeling, it is possible to determine the bottleneck of the platform and thus to know whether a given deployment can be improved or not. We illustrate this modeling by applying this results to an existing hierarchical PSE called DIET. |
@TechReport{ TechReportRR-Laboratoire-2003-51,
abstract = {This paper focus on the deployment of grid infrastructures, more specifically Problem Solving Environments (PSE) for numerical applications on the grid. Even if the deployment of such an architecture is forced by physical constraints (firewall, access permission, security,...) its efficiency heavily depends on the quality of the mapping between its different components and the grid resources. This paper proposes a new model based on linear programming to estimate the performance of a deployment of a hierarchical PSE. The advantages of the modeling approach in this case are multiple: evaluate a virtual deployment before an actual deployment, provide a decision builder tool (i.e., designed to compare different architectures or buy new resource), take into account the platform scalability. Using this modeling, it is possible to determine the bottleneck of the platform and thus to know whether a given deployment can be improved or not. We illustrate this modeling by applying this results to an existing hierarchical PSE called DIET. },
author = {Caron, Eddy and Chouhan, Pushpinder Kaur and Legrand, Arnaud},
institution = {Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parall{\'e}lisme (LIP)},
keywords = {Deployment, Grid Computing, Network Enabled Servers, Steady-state scheduling, Resource localization and selection,DIET},
month = nov,
note = {Also available as INRIA Research Report RR-5146. hal-01431490},
number = {2003-51},
postscript = {http://www.ens-lyon.fr/LIP/Pub/Rapports/RR/RR2003/RR2003-51.ps.gz},
title = {Automatic Deployment for Hierarchical Network Enabled Server},
type = {Research report},
url = {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01431490},
year = 2003
Eddy Caron,
Frédéric Desprez,
Franck Petit,
and Vincent Villain.
A Hierarchical Resource Reservation Algorithm for Network Enabled Servers.
Research report RR-4701,
Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA),
January 2003.
Note: Also available as LIP Research Report 2003-03 and LaRIA Research Report LaRIA-2003-14. hal number inria-00071885.
Grid Computing,
@TechReport{ TechReportRR-Institut-RR-4701,
author = {Caron, Eddy and Desprez, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Petit, Franck and Villain, Vincent},
institution = {Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA)},
keywords = {Grid Computing, DIET},
month = jan,
note = {Also available as LIP Research Report 2003-03 and LaRIA Research Report LaRIA-2003-14. hal number inria-00071885},
number = {RR-4701},
postscript = {ftp://ftp.inria.fr/INRIA/publication/publi-ps-gz/RR/RR-4701.ps.gz},
title = {A Hierarchical Resource Reservation Algorithm for Network Enabled Servers},
type = {Research report},
url = {https://hal.inria.fr/inria-00071885},
year = 2003
Eddy Caron,
Frédéric Desprez,
Franck Petit,
and Vincent Villain.
A Hierarchical Resource Reservation Algorithm for Network Enabled Servers.
Research report 2003-03,
Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parallélisme (LIP),
January 2003.
Note: Also available as INRIA Research Report RR-4701 and LaRIA Research Report LaRIA-2003-14. hal-01431500.
Grid Computing,
@TechReport{ TechReportRR-Laboratoire-2003-03,
author = {Caron, Eddy and Desprez, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Petit, Franck and Villain, Vincent},
institution = {Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parall{\'e}lisme (LIP)},
keywords = {Grid Computing, DIET, Scheduling},
month = jan,
note = {Also available as INRIA Research Report RR-4701 and LaRIA Research Report LaRIA-2003-14. hal-01431500},
number = {2003-03},
postscript = {ftp://ftp.ens-lyon.fr/pub/LIP/Rapports/RR/RR2003/RR2003-03.ps.gz},
title = {A Hierarchical Resource Reservation Algorithm for Network Enabled Servers},
type = {Research report},
url = {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01431500},
year = 2003
Eddy Caron,
Frédéric Desprez,
Franck Petit,
and Vincent Villain.
A Hierarchical Resource Reservation Algorithm for Network Enabled Servers.
Research report LaRIA-2003-14,
November 2003.
Note: Also available as INRIA Research Report RR-4701 and LIP Research Report 2003-03. hal-01431501.
Grid Computing,
@TechReport{ Tec-Caron.CDPV_03,
author = {Caron, Eddy and Desprez, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Petit, Franck and Villain, Vincent},
keywords = {Grid Computing, DIET},
month = nov,
note = {Also available as INRIA Research Report RR-4701 and LIP Research Report 2003-03. hal-01431501},
number = {LaRIA-2003-14},
title = {A Hierarchical Resource Reservation Algorithm for Network Enabled Servers},
type = {Research report},
url = {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01431501},
year = 2003