Eddy Caron,
Ajoy K. Datta,
Benjamin Depardon,
and Lawrence L. Larmore.
A Self-Stabilizing K-clustering algorithm for weighted graphs.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing,
November 2010.
Note: Hal-00758590.
Weighted graph,
@Article{ ArticleCaron.CDDL_JPDC10,
author = {Caron, Eddy and Datta, Ajoy K. and Depardon, Benjamin and Larmore, Lawrence L.},
editor = {Gottlieb, Allan and Hwang, Kai and Sahni, Sartaj},
journal = {Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing},
keywords = {k-clustering, Self-stabilization, Weighted graph, SPADES},
month = {Nov},
note = {hal-00758590},
number = {11},
pages = {1159-1173},
publisher = {Elsevier},
title = {A Self-Stabilizing K-clustering algorithm for weighted graphs},
url = {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-00758590},
volume = {70},
year = {2010}
Eddy Caron,
Frédéric Desprez,
Adrian Muresan,
and Luis Rodero-Merino.
Recent development in DIET: from Grid to Cloud.
ERCIM News. Special Theme: Cloud Computing. Platforms, Software, and Applications,
No. 83:25-26,
October 2010.
Note: Hal-01427723.
Cloud Computing.
@Article{ ArticleCaron.CDMR_ENSTCCPSA10,
author = {Caron, Eddy and Desprez, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Muresan, Adrian and Rodero-Merino, Luis},
journal = {{ERCIM} News. Special Theme: "Cloud Computing. Platforms, Software, and Applications"},
keywords = {DIET, Cloud Computing},
month = {October},
note = {hal-01427723},
pages = {25-26},
title = {Recent development in {DIET}: from {G}rid to {C}loud},
url = {http://ercim-news.ercim.eu/en83/special/recent-developments-in-diet-from-grid-to-cloud},
volume = {No. 83},
year = {2010}
Eddy Caron,
Frédéric Desprez,
Franck Petit,
and Cédric Tedeschi.
Snap-Stabilizing Prefix Tree for Peer-to-Peer Systems.
Parallel Processing Letters,
March 2010.
Note: Hal-01427726.
@Article{ ArticleCaron.CDPT_PPL10,
author = {Caron, Eddy and Desprez, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Petit, Franck and Tedeschi, C\'edric},
journal = {Parallel Processing Letters},
keywords = {DLPT, SPADES},
month = {March},
note = {hal-01427726},
number = {1},
pages = {15-30},
title = {Snap-Stabilizing Prefix Tree for Peer-to-Peer Systems},
url = {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01427726},
volume = {20},
year = {2010}
Vlad Acretoaie,
Eddy Caron,
and Cédric Tedeschi.
A Practical Study of Self-Stabilization for Prefix-Tree Based Overlay Networks.
In MOSPAS 2010. Workshop on MOdeling and Simulation of Peer-to-Peer Architectures and Systems. As part of The International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation (HPCS 2010),
Caen. France.,
pages 341-347,
June 28-July 2 2010.
Note: Hal-01427728.
Abstract: |
Service discovery is crucial in the development of fully decentralized computational grids. Among the significant amount of work produced by the convergence of peer- to-peer (P2P) systems and grids, a new kind of overlay networks, based on prefix trees (a.k.a., tries), has emerged. In particular, the Distributed Lexicographic Placement Table (DLPT) approach is a decentralized and dynamic service discovery service. Fault-tolerance within the DLPT approach is achieved through best-effort policies relying on formal self-stabilization results. Self-stabilization means that the tree can become transiently inconsistent, but is guaranteed to autonomously converge to a correct topology after arbitrary crashes, in a finite time. However, during convergence, the tree may not be able to process queries correctly. In this paper, we present some simula- tion results having several objectives. First, we investigate the interest of self-stabilization for such architectures. Second, we explore, still based on simulation, a simple Time-To-Live policy to avoid useless processing during convergence time. |
@InProceedings{ InProceedingsAcretoaie.ACT_10,
abstract = {Service discovery is crucial in the development of fully decentralized computational grids. Among the significant amount of work produced by the convergence of peer- to-peer (P2P) systems and grids, a new kind of overlay networks, based on prefix trees (a.k.a., tries), has emerged. In particular, the Distributed Lexicographic Placement Table (DLPT) approach is a decentralized and dynamic service discovery service. Fault-tolerance within the DLPT approach is achieved through best-effort policies relying on formal self-stabilization results. Self-stabilization means that the tree can become transiently inconsistent, but is guaranteed to autonomously converge to a correct topology after arbitrary crashes, in a finite time. However, during convergence, the tree may not be able to process queries correctly. In this paper, we present some simula- tion results having several objectives. First, we investigate the interest of self-stabilization for such architectures. Second, we explore, still based on simulation, a simple Time-To-Live policy to avoid useless processing during convergence time. },
address = {Caen. France.},
author = {Acretoaie, Vlad and Caron, Eddy and Tedeschi, C\'edric},
booktitle = {MOSPAS 2010. Workshop on MOdeling and Simulation of Peer-to-Peer Architectures and Systems. As part of The International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation (HPCS 2010)},
keywords = {DLPT, SPADES},
month = {June 28-July 2},
note = {hal-01427728},
pages = {341-347},
publisher = {IEEE},
title = {A Practical Study of Self-Stabilization for Prefix-Tree Based Overlay Networks},
url = {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01427728},
year = {2010}
Nicolas Bard,
Raphaël Bolze,
Eddy Caron,
Frédéric Desprez,
Michaël Heymann,
Anne Friedrich,
Luc Moulinier,
Ngoc-Hoan Nguyen,
Olivier Poch,
and Thierry Toursel.
Décrypthon Grid - Grid Resources Dedicated to Neuromuscular Disorders.
In The 8th HealthGrid conference,
Paris, France,
June 2010.
Note: Hal-01427727.
Abstract: |
Thanks to the availability of Grids and their middleware, a seamless access to computation and storage resource is provided to application developers and scientists. The D{\'e}crypthon project is one example of such high performance platform. In this paper, we present the architecture of the platform, the middleware developed to ease the access to several servers deployed over France and an example of an application taking advantage of its capacity. |
@InProceedings{ InProceedingsBard.BBCDHFMNPT_10,
abstract = {Thanks to the availability of Grids and their middleware, a seamless access to computation and storage resource is provided to application developers and scientists. The D{\'e}crypthon project is one example of such high performance platform. In this paper, we present the architecture of the platform, the middleware developed to ease the access to several servers deployed over France and an example of an application taking advantage of its capacity.},
address = {Paris, France},
author = {Bard, Nicolas and Bolze, Rapha{\"e}l and Caron, Eddy and Desprez, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Heymann, Micha{\"e}l and Friedrich, Anne and Moulinier, Luc and Nguyen, Ngoc-Hoan and Poch, Olivier and Toursel, Thierry},
booktitle = {The 8th HealthGrid conference},
keywords = {DIET, D{\'e}crypthon},
month = {June},
note = {hal-01427727},
title = {{D}{\'e}crypthon {G}rid - {G}rid {R}esources {D}edicated to {N}euromuscular {D}isorders},
url = {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01427727},
year = {2010}
Eddy Caron,
Benjamin Depardon,
and Frédéric Desprez.
Modelization and Performance Evaluation of the DIET Middleware.
In ICPP 2010, 39th International Conference on Parallel Processing,
San Diego, CA,
pages 375-384,
September 13-16 2010.
Note: Hal-00690625.
@InProceedings{ InProceedingsCaron.CDD_10,
address = {San Diego, CA},
author = {Caron, Eddy and Depardon, Benjamin and Desprez, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric},
booktitle = {ICPP 2010, 39th International Conference on Parallel Processing},
keywords = {DIET, Deployment},
month = {September 13-16},
note = {hal-00690625},
pages = {375-384},
title = {Modelization and Performance Evaluation of the {DIET} Middleware},
url = {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-00690625},
year = {2010}
Eddy Caron,
Benjamin Depardon,
and Frédéric Desprez.
Deployment of a hierarchical middleware.
In LNCS, editor,
Euro-Par 2010,
volume 6271 Part I,
Ischia - Naples, Italy,
pages 343-354,
August 31 to September 3 2010.
Institute for High Performance Computing and Networking of the Italian National Research Council.
Note: Hal-00758591.
Annotation: |
Acceptance rate: 35.1 Acceptance rate: 35.1% 256 submitted papers, 90 acceptedubmitted papers, 90 accepted |
@InProceedings{ InProceedingsCaron.CDD_10*1,
address = {Ischia - Naples, Italy},
annote = {Acceptance rate: 35.1@InProceedings{ InProceedingsCaron.CDD_10*1,
address = {Ischia - Naples, Italy},
annote = {Acceptance rate: 35.1% 256 submitted papers, 90 accepted},
author = {Caron, Eddy and Depardon, Benjamin and Desprez, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric},
booktitle = {Euro-Par 2010},
editor = {LNCS},
keywords = {DIET, Deployment},
month = {August 31 to September 3},
note = {hal-00758591},
organization = {Institute for High Performance Computing and Networking of the Italian National Research Council},
pages = {343-354},
title = {Deployment of a hierarchical middleware},
url = {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-00758591},
volume = {6271 Part I},
year = {2010}
}ubmitted papers, 90 accepted},
author = {Caron, Eddy and Depardon, Benjamin and Desprez, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric},
booktitle = {Euro-Par 2010},
editor = {LNCS},
keywords = {DIET, Deployment},
month = {August 31 to September 3},
note = {hal-00758591},
organization = {Institute for High Performance Computing and Networking of the Italian National Research Council},
pages = {343-354},
title = {Deployment of a hierarchical middleware},
url = {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-00758591},
volume = {6271 Part I},
year = {2010}
Eddy Caron,
Frédéric Desprez,
Tristan Glatard,
Maheshwari Ketan,
Johan Montagnat,
and Damien Reimert.
Workflow-based comparison of two Distributed Computing Infrastructures.
In Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS10),
New Orleans,
November 14 2010.
In Conjunction with Supercomputing 10 (SC'10),
Note: Hal-00677820.
@InProceedings{ InProceedingsCaron.CDGKMR_10,
address = {New Orleans},
author = {Caron, Eddy and Desprez, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Glatard, Tristan and Ketan, Maheshwari and Montagnat, Johan and Reimert, Damien},
booktitle = {Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS10)},
month = {November 14},
note = {hal-00677820},
organization = {In Conjunction with Supercomputing 10 (SC'10)},
publisher = {IEEE},
title = {Workflow-based comparison of two Distributed Computing Infrastructures},
url = {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-00677820},
year = {2010}
Eddy Caron,
Frédéric Desprez,
and Adrian Muresan.
Forecasting for Grid and Cloud Computing On-Demand Resources Based on Pattern Matching.
In IEEE CloudCom 2010,
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA,
November 2010.
Note: Hal-00758592.
Cloud Computing,
@InProceedings{ InProceedingsCaron.CDM_10,
address = {Indianapolis, Indiana, USA},
author = {Caron, Eddy and Desprez, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Muresan, Adrian},
booktitle = {IEEE CloudCom 2010},
keywords = {Cloud Computing, SPADES},
month = {Nov},
note = {hal-00758592},
publisher = {IEEE},
series = {456-463},
title = {Forecasting for Grid and Cloud Computing On-Demand Resources Based on Pattern Matching},
url = {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-00758592},
year = {2010}
Vlad Acretoaie,
Eddy Caron,
and Cédric Tedeschi.
A Practical Study of Self-Stabilization for Prefix-Tree Based Overlay Networks.
Research report RR-7252,
Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA),
June 28-July 2 2010.
Note: Hal number inria-00474376.
Abstract: |
Service discovery is crucial in the development of fully decentralized computational grids. Among the significant amount of work produced by the convergence of peer- to-peer (P2P) systems and grids, a new kind of overlay networks, based on prefix trees (a.k.a., tries), has emerged. In particular, the Distributed Lexicographic Placement Table (DLPT) approach is a decentralized and dynamic service discovery service. Fault-tolerance within the DLPT approach is achieved through best-effort policies relying on formal self-stabilization results. Self-stabilization means that the tree can become transiently inconsistent, but is guaranteed to autonomously converge to a correct topology after arbitrary crashes, in a finite time. However, during convergence, the tree may not be able to process queries correctly. In this paper, we present some simula- tion results having several objectives. First, we investigate the interest of self-stabilization for such architectures. Second, we explore, still based on simulation, a simple Time-To-Live policy to avoid useless processing during convergence time. |
@TechReport{ TechReportRR-Institut-RR-7252,
abstract = {Service discovery is crucial in the development of fully decentralized computational grids. Among the significant amount of work produced by the convergence of peer- to-peer (P2P) systems and grids, a new kind of overlay networks, based on prefix trees (a.k.a., tries), has emerged. In particular, the Distributed Lexicographic Placement Table (DLPT) approach is a decentralized and dynamic service discovery service. Fault-tolerance within the DLPT approach is achieved through best-effort policies relying on formal self-stabilization results. Self-stabilization means that the tree can become transiently inconsistent, but is guaranteed to autonomously converge to a correct topology after arbitrary crashes, in a finite time. However, during convergence, the tree may not be able to process queries correctly. In this paper, we present some simula- tion results having several objectives. First, we investigate the interest of self-stabilization for such architectures. Second, we explore, still based on simulation, a simple Time-To-Live policy to avoid useless processing during convergence time. },
author = {Acretoaie, Vlad and Caron, Eddy and Tedeschi, C\'edric},
institution = {Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA)},
keywords = {DLPT, SPADES},
month = {June 28-July 2},
note = {hal number inria-00474376},
number = {RR-7252},
title = {A Practical Study of Self-Stabilization for Prefix-Tree Based Overlay Networks},
type = {Research report},
url = {https://hal.inria.fr/inria-00474376},
year = {2010}
Eddy Caron,
Florent Chuffart,
Haiwu He,
Olivier Richard,
and Frédéric Suter.
Communication between LRMS and service/resource discovering system.
Technical report 1.4,
Mars 2010.
Note: Hal-01427730.
@TechReport{ TechReportRR-ANR-1.4,
author = {Caron, Eddy and Chuffart, Florent and He, Haiwu and Richard, Olivier and Suter, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric},
institution = {ANR SPADES. 08-ANR-SEGI-025},
month = {Mars},
note = {hal-01427730},
number = {1.4},
title = {Communication between LRMS and service/resource discovering system},
url = {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01427730},
year = {2010}
Eddy Caron,
Florent Chuffart,
Haiwu He,
and Frédéric Suter.
Communication between co-scheduler and service/resource discovering system.
Technical report 1.5,
Mars 2010.
Note: Hal-01427731.
@TechReport{ TechReportRR-ANR-1.5,
author = {Caron, Eddy and Chuffart, Florent and He, Haiwu and Suter, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric},
institution = {ANR SPADES. 08-ANR-SEGI-025},
month = {Mars},
note = {hal-01427731},
number = {1.5},
title = {Communication between co-scheduler and service/resource discovering system},
url = {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01427731},
year = {2010}
Eddy Caron,
Frédéric Desprez,
and Adrian Muresan.
Forecasting for Cloud computing on-demand resources based on pattern matching.
Research Report RR-7217,
Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA),
July 2010.
Note: Hal number: inria-00460393.
Cloud Computing,
pattern matching.
Abstract: |
The Cloud phenomenon brings along the cost-saving benefit of dynamic scaling. Knowledge in advance is necessary as the virtual resources that Cloud computing uses have a setup time that is not negligible. We propose a new approach to the problem of workload prediction based on identifying similar past occurrences to the current short-term workload history. We present in detail the auto-scaling algorithm that uses the above approach as well as experimental results by using real-world data and an overall evaluation of this approach, its potential and usefulness. |
@TechReport{ TechReportRR-Institut-RR-7217,
abstract = {The Cloud phenomenon brings along the cost-saving benefit of dynamic scaling. Knowledge in advance is necessary as the virtual resources that Cloud computing uses have a setup time that is not negligible. We propose a new approach to the problem of workload prediction based on identifying similar past occurrences to the current short-term workload history. We present in detail the auto-scaling algorithm that uses the above approach as well as experimental results by using real-world data and an overall evaluation of this approach, its potential and usefulness.},
address = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/docs/00/49/69/89/PDF/RR-7217.pdf},
author = {Caron, Eddy and Desprez, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Muresan, Adrian},
institution = {Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA)},
keywords = {Cloud Computing, auto-scaling, pattern matching},
month = {July},
note = {hal number: inria-00460393},
number = {RR-7217},
title = {Forecasting for Cloud computing on-demand resources based on pattern matching},
type = {Research Report},
url = {https://hal.inria.fr/inria-00460393},
year = {2010}