Bertrand Marquet,
Guy-Betrand Kamga,
Stéphane Betgé-Brezetz,
Marie-Pascale Dupont,
Laurent Clevy,
Benjamin Venelle,
Aline Bousquet,
Jérémy Briffaut,
Christian Toinard,
Jean-Marc Lambert,
Eddy Caron,
Arnaud Lefray,
Lamiel Toch,
and Jonathan Rouzaud-Cornabas.
Seeding the Cloud: An Innovative Approach to Grow Trust in Cloud Based Infrastructures.
In The Future Internet. Future Internet Assembly 2013: Validated Results and New Horizons,
volume 7858 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).,
pages 153-158.
FIA Book 2013 Publisher,
Springer edition,
Note: Hal-00840730.
@InCollection{ InCollectionMarquet.MKBDCVBBTLCLTR_13,
author = {Marquet, Bertrand and Kamga, Guy-Betrand and Betg{\'e}-Brezetz, St{\'e}phane and Dupont, Marie-Pascale and Clevy, Laurent and Venelle, Benjamin and Bousquet, Aline and Briffaut, J{\'e}r{\'e}my and Toinard, Christian and Lambert, Jean-Marc and Caron, Eddy and Lefray, Arnaud and Toch, Lamiel and Rouzaud-Cornabas, Jonathan},
booktitle = {The Future Internet. Future Internet Assembly 2013: Validated Results and New Horizons},
edition = {{S}pringer},
keywords = {Seed4C, Cloud, Security},
note = {hal-00840730},
pages = {153-158},
publisher = {FIA Book 2013 Publisher},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).},
title = {{S}eeding the {C}loud: {A}n {I}nnovative {A}pproach to {G}row {T}rust in {C}loud {B}ased {I}nfrastructures},
url = {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-00840730},
volume = {7858},
year = {2013}
Eddy Caron,
Florent Chuffart,
and Cédric Tedeschi.
When Self-Stabilization Meets Real Platforms: an Experimental Study of a Peer-to-Peer Service Discovery System.
Future Generation Computer Systems,
August 2013.
Note: Hal-00762693.
Abstract: |
In the days of large scale, heterogeneous computing infrastructures gathering myriads of services, service discovery has become a critical feature that has to deal with the scale and dynamic nature of such platforms. The SPADES project (Servicing Petascale Architectures and DistributEd System, 08-ANR-SEGI-025) is a consortium whose purpose is to promote new solutions to deal with a very large number of volatile and heterogeneous computing resources. For the aforementioned reasons, at the project's core, the service discovery has been envisioned as fully decentralized. More precisely, the proposed P2P service discovery system proposed within the SPADES project is based on the DLPT approach (Distributed Lexicographic Placement Table) providing distributed structures and algorithms for such a feature. In this paper, an implementation of the DLPT concepts into the middleware developed within the SPADES project, called SBAM (Spades BAsed Middleware), is devised. Furthermore, its actual deployment over a nation-wide grid system, as well as its performance are detailed. |
@Article{ ArticleCaron.CCT_FGCS13,
abstract = {In the days of large scale, heterogeneous computing infrastructures gathering myriads of services, service discovery has become a critical feature that has to deal with the scale and dynamic nature of such platforms. The SPADES project (Servicing Petascale Architectures and DistributEd System, 08-ANR-SEGI-025) is a consortium whose purpose is to promote new solutions to deal with a very large number of volatile and heterogeneous computing resources. For the aforementioned reasons, at the project's core, the service discovery has been envisioned as fully decentralized. More precisely, the proposed P2P service discovery system proposed within the SPADES project is based on the DLPT approach (Distributed Lexicographic Placement Table) providing distributed structures and algorithms for such a feature. In this paper, an implementation of the DLPT concepts into the middleware developed within the SPADES project, called SBAM (Spades BAsed Middleware), is devised. Furthermore, its actual deployment over a nation-wide grid system, as well as its performance are detailed. },
author = {Caron, Eddy and Chuffart, Florent and Tedeschi, C\'edric},
journal = {Future Generation Computer Systems},
month = {August},
note = {hal-00762693},
number = {6},
pages = {1533-1543},
title = {When Self-Stabilization Meets Real Platforms: an Experimental Study of a Peer-to-Peer Service Discovery System},
url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167739X12001860},
volume = {29},
year = {2013}
Aline Bousquet,
Jérémy Briffaut,
Eddy Caron,
Arnaud Lefray,
Jonathan Rouzaud-Cornabas,
Christian Toinard,
and Yulin Zhang Huaxi.
Security-Aware Models for Clouds.
In ACM Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC 22),
June 2013.
Note: Open Call Posters. hal-00840734.
@InProceedings{ InProceedingsBousquet.BBCLRTZ-H_13,
author = {Bousquet, Aline and Briffaut, J{\'e}r{\'e}my and Caron, Eddy and Lefray, Arnaud and Rouzaud-Cornabas, Jonathan and Toinard, Christian and Zhang Huaxi, Yulin},
booktitle = {ACM Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC 22)},
keywords = {Security, Cloud, Seed4C},
month = {June},
note = {Open Call Posters. hal-00840734},
title = {{Security-Aware Models for Clouds}},
url = {http://hal.inria.fr/hal-00840734},
year = {2013}
Eddy Caron,
Maurice Djibril Faye,
Jonathan Rouzaud-Cornabas,
and Ousmane Thiaré.
Grid Middleware Modelling for Self-Adaptive Deployment.
In The International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized System (ISADS 2013),
Mexico City,
pages 51-56,
March 6-8 2013.
Universidad Panamerica,
IEEE Computer Society.
Note: IEEE Catalog Number: CFP13099-PRT. hal-00932400.
@InProceedings{ InProceedingsCaron.CD-FRT_13,
address = {Mexico City},
author = {Caron, Eddy and Djibril Faye, Maurice and Rouzaud-Cornabas, Jonathan and Thiar{\'e}, Ousmane},
booktitle = {The International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized System (ISADS 2013)},
keywords = {Deployment, DIET},
month = {March 6-8},
note = {IEEE Catalog Number: CFP13099-PRT. hal-00932400},
organization = {Universidad Panamerica},
pages = {51-56},
publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
title = {Grid Middleware Modelling for Self-Adaptive Deployment},
url = {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-00932400},
year = {2013}
Eddy Caron,
Anh Dung Le,
Arnaud Lefray,
and Christian Toinard.
Definition of security metrics for the Cloud Computing and security-aware virtual machine placement algorithms.
In Proceedings of International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC 2013),
Beijing, China.,
pages 125-131,
October 10-12 2013.
IEEE Computer Society.
Note: Hal-00932401.
@InProceedings{ InProceedingsCaron.CLLT_13,
address = {Beijing, China.},
author = {Caron, Eddy and Le, Anh Dung and Lefray, Arnaud and Toinard, Christian},
booktitle = {Proceedings of International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC 2013)},
keywords = {Seed4C, Cloud, Security},
month = {October 10-12},
note = {hal-00932401},
pages = {125-131},
publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
title = {Definition of security metrics for the Cloud Computing and security-aware virtual machine placement algorithms},
url = {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-00932401},
year = {2013}
Cristian Klein,
Frédéric Camillo,
Eddy Caron,
Ronan Guivarch,
Aurélie Hurault,
and Christian Pérez.
Resource Management Architecture for Fair Scheduling of Optional Computations.
In 8th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC),
Compiegne, France,
October 2013.
Note: Hal-00865668.
@InProceedings{ InProceedingsKlein.KCCGHP_13,
address = {Compiegne, France},
author = {Klein, Cristian and Camillo, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Caron, Eddy and Guivarch, Ronan and Hurault, Aur{\'e}lie and P{\'e}rez, Christian},
booktitle = {8th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC)},
keywords = {Scheduling, DIET, COOP},
month = {October},
note = {hal-00865668},
organization = {IEEE},
publisher = {IEEE CPS},
title = {Resource Management Architecture for Fair Scheduling of Optional Computations},
url = {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-00865668},
year = {2013}
Eddy Caron,
Jonathan Rouzaud-Cornabas,
and Lamiel Toch.
Comparison on OpenStack and OpenNebula performance to improve multi-Cloud architecture on cosmological simulation use case.
Research report RR-8421,
December 2013.
Note: Hal-00916908.
Abstract: |
With the increasing numbers of Cloud Service Providers and the migration of the Grids to the Cloud paradigm, it is necessary to be able to leverage these new resources. Moreover, a large class of High Performance Computing (HPC) applications can run these resources without (or with minor) modifications. But using these resources come with the cost of being able to interact with these new resource providers. In this paper we introduce the design of a HPC middleware that is able to use resources coming from an environment that compose of multiple Clouds as well as classical \hpc resources. Using the \diet middleware, we are able to deploy a large-scale, distributed HPC platform that spans across a large pool of resources aggregated from different providers. Furthermore, we hide to the end users the difficulty and complexity of selecting and using these new resources even when new Cloud Service Providers are added to the pool. Finally, we validate the architecture concept through cosmological simulation RAMSES. Thus we give a comparison of 2 well-known Cloud Computing Software: OpenStack and OpenNebula. |
@TechReport{ TechReportRR-Inria-RR-8421,
abstract = {With the increasing numbers of Cloud Service Providers and the migration of the Grids to the Cloud paradigm, it is necessary to be able to leverage these new resources. Moreover, a large class of High Performance Computing (HPC) applications can run these resources without (or with minor) modifications. But using these resources come with the cost of being able to interact with these new resource providers. In this paper we introduce the design of a HPC middleware that is able to use resources coming from an environment that compose of multiple Clouds as well as classical \hpc resources. Using the \diet middleware, we are able to deploy a large-scale, distributed HPC platform that spans across a large pool of resources aggregated from different providers. Furthermore, we hide to the end users the difficulty and complexity of selecting and using these new resources even when new Cloud Service Providers are added to the pool. Finally, we validate the architecture concept through cosmological simulation RAMSES. Thus we give a comparison of 2 well-known Cloud Computing Software: OpenStack and OpenNebula. },
author = {Caron, Eddy and Rouzaud-Cornabas, Jonathan and Toch, Lamiel},
institution = {Inria},
keywords = {Cloud, IaaS, OpenNebula, Multi-Clouds, DIET, OpenStack, RAMSES, cosmology},
month = {December},
note = {hal-00916908},
number = {RR-8421},
title = {Comparison on OpenStack and OpenNebula performance to improve multi-Cloud architecture on cosmological simulation use case},
type = {Research report},
url = {http://hal.inria.fr/hal-00916908},
year = {2013}