Publications of year 2015
Conference articles
  1. Daniel Balouek-Thomert, Eddy Caron, Pascal Gallard, and Laurent Lefèvre. Nu@ge: Towards a solidary and responsible Cloud Computing service. In CLOUDTECH 2015: The International Conference of Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications, Marrakesh (Morocco), june 2015. IEEE.
    Note: Best Paper Award. hal-01196898.
    Keywords: Green, Energy, DIET.
    @InProceedings{ InProceedingsBalouek-Thomert.BCGL_15,
    address = {Marrakesh (Morocco)},
    author = {Balouek-Thomert, Daniel and Caron, Eddy and Gallard, Pascal and Lef{\`e}vre, Laurent},
    booktitle = {CLOUDTECH 2015: The International Conference of Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications},
    keywords = {Green, Energy, DIET},
    month = {june},
    note = {Best Paper Award. hal-01196898},
    organization = {IEEE},
    title = {Nu@ge: Towards a solidary and responsible {C}loud {C}omputing service},
    url = {},
    year = {2015} 

  2. Daniel Balouek-Thomert, Eddy Caron, and Laurent Lefèvre. Energy-Aware Server Provisioning by Introducing Middleware-Level Dynamic Green Scheduling. In Workshop HPPAC'15. High-Performance, Power-Aware Computing, Hyderabad, India, May 2015. In conjunction with IPDPS 2015.
    Note: Hal-01196908.
    Keywords: DIET, Green, Energy.
    @InProceedings{ InProceedingsBalouek-Thomert.BCL_15,
    address = {Hyderabad, India},
    author = {Balouek-Thomert, Daniel and Caron, Eddy and Lef{\`e}vre, Laurent},
    booktitle = {Workshop HPPAC'15. High-Performance, Power-Aware Computing},
    keywords = {DIET, Green, Energy},
    month = may,
    note = {hal-01196908},
    organization = {In conjunction with IPDPS 2015},
    title = {Energy-Aware Server Provisioning by Introducing Middleware-Level Dynamic Green Scheduling},
    url = {},
    year = 2015 

  3. Aline Bousquet, Jérémy Briffaut, Eddy Caron, Eva Maria Dominguez, Javier Franco, Arnaud Lefray, Oscar Lopez, Saioa Ros, Jonathan Rouzaud-Cornabas, Christian Toinard, and Uriate Mikel. Enforcing Security and Assurance Properties in Cloud Environment. In IEEE/ACM Utility & Cloud Computing (UCC 2015), December 2015. IEEE.
    Note: Hal-01240557.
    Keywords: Seed4C.
    @InProceedings{ InProceedingsBousquet.BBCDFLLRRTM_15,
    author = {Bousquet, Aline and Briffaut, J{\'e}r{\'e}my and Caron, Eddy and Dominguez, Eva Maria and Franco, Javier and Lefray, Arnaud and Lopez, Oscar and Ros, Saioa and Rouzaud-Cornabas, Jonathan and Toinard, Christian and Uriate Mikel},
    booktitle = {IEEE/ACM Utility \& Cloud Computing (UCC 2015)},
    keywords = {Seed4C},
    month = {December},
    note = {hal-01240557},
    publisher = {IEEE},
    title = {Enforcing Security and Assurance Properties in Cloud Environment},
    url = {},
    year = {2015} 

  4. Eddy Caron, Maurice Djibril Faye, and Ousmane Thiaré. Autonomic Management using Self-Stabilization for Hierarchical and Distributed Middleware. In The 2015 International Symposium on Advances in Autonomic and Secure Computing and Communications (ASCC-2015), Liverpool (UK), 26-28 Oct 2015. In conjunction with DASC-15.
    Note: Hal-01239792.
    @InProceedings{ InProceedingsCaron.CD-FT_15,
    address = {Liverpool (UK)},
    author = {Caron, Eddy and Djibril Faye, Maurice and Thiar{\'e}, Ousmane},
    booktitle = {{The 2015 International Symposium on Advances in Autonomic and Secure Computing and Communications (ASCC-2015)}},
    month = {26-28 Oct},
    note = {hal-01239792},
    organization = {In conjunction with DASC-15},
    title = {Autonomic Management using Self-Stabilization for Hierarchical and Distributed Middleware},
    url = {},
    year = {2015} 

  5. Eddy Caron, Maurice Djibril Faye, and Ousmane Thiaré. Modélisation d'un intergiciel de grille pour le déploiement auto-adaptatif. In Colloque National sur la Recherche en Informatique et ses Applications (CNRIA'2015), Thiès (EPT), Sénégal, October 28-30 2015.
    Note: Hal-01240566.
    @InProceedings{ InProceedingsCaron.CD-FT_15*1,
    address = {Thi{\`e}s (EPT), S{\'e}n{\'e}gal},
    author = {Caron, Eddy and Djibril Faye, Maurice and Thiar{\'e}, Ousmane},
    booktitle = {Colloque National sur la Recherche en Informatique et ses Applications (CNRIA'2015)},
    month = {October 28-30},
    note = {hal-01240566},
    title = {Mod{\'e}lisation d'un intergiciel de grille pour le d{\'e}ploiement auto-adaptatif},
    url = {},
    year = {2015} 

  6. Arnaud Lefray, Eddy Caron, Jonathan Rouzaud-Cornabas, and Christian Toinard. Microarchitecture-aware Virtual Machine Placement Under Information Leakage Constraints. In 8th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing, New York, NY, USA, June 27-July 2 2015. IEEE Computer Society.
    Note: Hal-01240573.
    Keywords: Security, Seed4C, Cloud.
    @InProceedings{ InProceedingsLefray.LCRT_15,
    address = {New York, NY, USA},
    author = {Lefray, Arnaud and Caron, Eddy and Rouzaud-Cornabas, Jonathan and Toinard, Christian},
    booktitle = {8th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing},
    keywords = {Security, Seed4C, Cloud},
    month = {June 27-July 2},
    note = {hal-01240573},
    publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
    title = {{Microarchitecture-aware Virtual Machine Placement Under Information Leakage Constraints}},
    url = {},
    year = {2015} 



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Last modified: Thu Feb 13 23:35:44 2025
Author: ecaron.

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