Publications of year 2020 |
Articles in journals or book chapters |
@Article{ ArticleCaniou.CCK-W-CR_CCPE20, author = {Caniou, Yves and Caron, Eddy and Kong Win Chang, Aur{\'e}lie and Robert, Yves}, journal = {Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience}, note = {hal-03029318}, number = {17}, publisher = {John Wiley & Sons, Ltd}, title = {Budget-aware scheduling algorithms for scientific workflows with stochastic task weights on {IaaS} {C}loud platforms}, url = {}, volume = {33}, year = {2020} }
Conference articles |
@InProceedings{ InProceedingsBaillon.BCCV_20, author = {Baillon, No{\"e}lle and Caron, Eddy and Chevalier, Arthur and Vion, Anne-Lucie}, booktitle = {Symposium on Emerging Topics in Computing and Communications (SETCAC'20)}, keywords = {Software License, Green Computing}, month = {October 14-17}, note = {Co-affiliated with the Fourth International Conference on Computing and Network Communications (CoCoNet'20). hal-03034059}, organization = {Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT)}, title = {Providing Software Asset Management compliance in green deployment algorithm}, url = {}, year = {2020} }
@InProceedings{ InProceedingsBalouek-Thomert.BCHP_20, address = {Melbourne, Australia}, author = {Balouek-Thomert, Daniel and Caron, Eddy and Houmani, Zeina and Parashar, Manish}, booktitle = {the 20th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid 2020)}, month = {May 11-14}, note = {hal number hal-02523442.}, organization = {IEEE/ACM}, title = {Enhancing microservices architectures using data-driven discovery and QoS guarantees}, url = {}, year = {2020} }
@InProceedings{ InProceedingsBista.BCV_20, address = {Tunis, Tunisia (virtual conference)}, author = {Bista, Ghoshana and Caron, Eddy and Vion, Anne-Lucie}, booktitle = {Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium}, month = {October 28-30}, note = {hal-03027945}, title = {A study on Optimizing {VNF} Software Cost}, url = {}, year = {2020} }
@InProceedings{ InProceedingsCaron.CD-S-VD-SD-d-A_20*1, address = {Dubai Virtual}, author = {Caron, Eddy and Da Silva Veith, Alexandre and De Souza, Felipe and Dias de Assun{\c c}{\~a}o, Marcos}, booktitle = {18th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC)}, keywords = {Fog Computing}, month = {Dec 14-17}, note = {hal number hal-02926464.}, title = {Scalable {J}oint {O}ptimization of {P}lacement and {P}arallelism of {D}ata {S}tream {P}rocessing {A}pplications on {C}loud-{E}dge {I}nfrastructure}, url = {}, year = {2020} }
@InProceedings{ InProceedingsCaron.CD-S-VD-SD-d-A_20, address = {Porto, Portugal}, author = {Caron, Eddy and Da Silva Veith, Alexandre and De Souza, Felipe and Dias de Assun{\c c}{\~a}o, Marcos}, booktitle = {IEEE 32nd International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing. SBAC-PAD 2020.}, keywords = {Fog Computing}, month = {September 8-11}, note = {hal number hal-02926459.}, title = {{A}n {O}ptimal {M}odel for {O}ptimizing the {P}lacement and {P}arallelism of {D}ata {S}tream {P}rocessing {A}pplications on {C}loud-{E}dge {C}omputing}, url = {}, year = {2020} }
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