Publications of year 2024
Maxime Agusti,
Eddy Caron,
Benjamin Fichel,
Laurent Lefèvre,
Olivier Nicol,
and Anne-Cécile Orgerie.
PowerHeat: A Non-Intrusive Approach for Estimating the Power Consumption.
In IEEE, editor,
GreenCom 2024 - 20th IEEE International conference on Green Computing and Communications,
Copenhagen, Denmark.,
August 19-22 2024.
Note: Hal-04662683v1.
data center,
bare metal server,
cloud computing.
Adrien Berthelot,
Eddy Caron,
Mathilde Jay,
and Laurent Lefèvre.
Estimating the environmental impact of Generative-AI services using an LCA-based methodology.
In ,
volume 122 of Special issue 31st CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering.,
Turin. Italia,
pages 707-712,
19-21 June 2024.
CIRP LCE 2024,
Procedia CIRP.
Note: Hal-04346102.
[Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
Eddy Caron,
Rémi Grivel,
Simon Lambert,
and Laurent Lefèvre.
S-ORCA: a social-based consolidation approach to reduce Cloud infrastructures energy consumption.
In IEEE CloudCom 2024 (International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science),
Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, UAE,
December 9-11 2024.
Note: Hal-04797304.
Cloud Computing,
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Last modified: Sun Nov 24 17:35:52 2024
Author: ecaron.
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