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Project Description

We developped a software framework allowing us to evaluate our steady state scheduling strategies for the Cell. This framework can be used to run any pipelined application on a Cell processor. The user just has to provide the source code of the tasks composing the application and a valid schedule.


Coming soon.

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Related Papers

Download pdf Tudor David, Mathias Jacquelin and Loris Marchal. Scheduling streaming applications on a complex multicore platform. Research report, RRLIP2010-25, LIP, ENS Lyon, 2010.


%% ensl-00523018, version 1
%% http://prunel.ccsd.cnrs.fr/ensl-00523018/en/
HAL_ID = {ensl-00523018},
URL = {http://prunel.ccsd.cnrs.fr/ensl-00523018/en/},
title = { {S}cheduling streaming applications on a complex multicore platform},
author = {{D}avid, {T}udor and {J}acquelin, {M}athias and {M}archal, {L}oris},
keywords = {{S}cheduling ; {M}ulticore processor ; {S}treaming application ; {C}ell processor},
language = {{A}nglais},
affiliation = {{GRAAL} - {INRIA} {R}h{\^o}ne-{A}lpes / {LIP} {L}aboratoire de l'{I}nformatique du {P}arall{\'e}lisme - {CNRS} : {UMR}5668 - {INRIA} - {\'E}cole normale sup{\'e}rieure de {L}yon - {ENS} {L}yon - {U}niversit{\'e} {C}laude {B}ernard - {L}yon {I} - {L}aboratoire d'informatique du {P}arall{\'e}lisme - {L}aboratoire de l'{I}nformatique du {P}arall{\'e}lisme - {LIP} - {INRIA} - {CNRS} : {UMR}5668 - {U}niversit{\'e} {C}laude {B}ernard - {L}yon {I} - {\'E}cole normale sup{\'e}rieure de {L}yon - {ENS} {L}yon },
note = {{RRLIP}2010-25 },
URL = {http://prunel.ccsd.cnrs.fr/ensl-00523018/PDF/RR-article-long.pdf},
Download pdf Matthieu Gallet, Mathias Jacquelin and Loris Marchal. Scheduling complex streaming applications on the Cell processor. Research report, RRLIP2009-29, LIP, ENS Lyon, 2009.


%% ensl-00421210, version 1
%% http://prunel.ccsd.cnrs.fr/ensl-00421210/en/
title = { {S}cheduling complex streaming applications on the {C}ell processor},
author = {{G}allet, {M}atthieu and {J}acquelin, {M}athias and {M}archal, {L}oris},
abstract = {{I}n this paper, we consider the problem of scheduling streaming applications described by complex task graphs on a heterogeneous multicore processor, the {STI} {C}ell {BE} processor. {W}e first present a theoretical model of the {C}ell processor. {T}hen, we use this model to express the problem of maximizing the throughput of a streaming application on this processor. {A}lthough the problem is proven {NP}-complete, we present an optimal solution based on mixed linear programming. {T}his allows us to compute the optimal mapping for a number of applications, ranging from a real audio encoder to complex random task graphs. {T}hese mappings are then tested on two platforms embedding {C}ell processors, and compared to simple heuristic solutions. {W}e show that we are able to achieve a good speed-up, whereas the heuristic solutions generally fail to deal with the strong memory and communication constraints.},
keywords = {{S}cheduling; streaming applications; multicore},
language = {{A}nglais},
affiliation = {{GRAAL} - {INRIA} {R}h{\^o}ne-{A}lpes / {LIP} {L}aboratoire de l'{I}nformatique du {P}arall{\'e}lisme - {CNRS} : {UMR}5668 - {INRIA} - {E}cole {N}ormale {S}up{\'e}rieure de {L}yon - {ENS} {L}yon - {U}niversit{\'e} {C}laude {B}ernard - {L}yon {I} - {L}aboratoire d'informatique du {P}arall{\'e}lisme - {L}aboratoire de l'{I}nformatique du {P}arall{\'e}lisme - {LIP} - {INRIA} - {CNRS} : {UMR}5668 - {U}niversit{\'e} {C}laude {B}ernard - {L}yon {I} - {E}cole {N}ormale {S}up{\'e}rieure de {L}yon - {ENS} {L}yon },
note = {{RRLIP}-2009-29 },
URL = {http://prunel.ccsd.cnrs.fr/ensl-00421210/en/},