<condition name="IF_Example"> <in name="i" type="integer" /> <in name="j" type="integer" /> <outThen name="out1" type="integer" /> <outElse name="out2" type="integer" /> <!-- IF Condition must be written in XQuery language --> <if>$i lt $j</if> <then>out1=i;</then> <else>out2=j;</else> </condition>Note that all the operators and functions defined in the XQuery standard (see http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery-operators/) can be used to make the boolean expression of the <if> tag. These can process both numerical and string variables, and can also contain XPath expressions to access elements of an array when the input port type is an array (e.g., the expression “ contains($in/list/item[1]/text(), 'a') ” tests if the 1st element of the array provided by the 'in' port contains the letter 'a').