CartomENS-IA is an application developped for the Integrated Project course of the M1 in Computer Science of the ENS de Lyon. For one semester, we will design a software for the card game La Bâtarde.
Supervision of the project: Eddy Caron.
Team leader: Louis Bethune
Team members:
Benoit Tristan
Bethune Louis
Blondeau-Patissier Lison
Champseix Nicolas
Coiffier Guillaume
Devevey Julien
Deschamps Quentin
Fernandez Simon
Guépin Florent
La Xuan Hoang
Léchine Ulysse
Pitois François
Pouget Stéphane
Rochette Denis
Vacus Robin
Valentin Herménégilde
Valque Léo
Vavrille Mathieu
We want to design a software allowing players to play La Bâtarde both on a computer and on a smartphone (Android). The game should be beautiful and ergonomic, and beginers friendly: tutorials will be available so that new players can learn how to play. Moreover, the artificial intelligence should have several levels of difficulty.
Work packages
The work was divided in several work packages:
Website, advertising, internal and external communications.
Developpement of the core architecture (game engine).
Artificial Intelligence
Creation of AIs able to play La Bâtarde, with several levels of difficulties.
Computer Client
Developpement of the computer program.
Mobile Device Client
Developement of the Android application.
Creation of tutorials to help new players.
Network and Server
Building of a server to be able to connect players together.
Tests of the quality of programs.
The complete proposal can be found here
Final repport