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April , 2019
Cléa. 50m 8''33

April 6, 2019
Teo . 100 NL 1:07.29

April 6, 2019
Teo . 100 Brasse 1:26.59

October 17, 2018
Cléa . 50m haies 11''51


Large scale sustainable distributed resource management

The Team

The Teaching Team:

  • Eddy Caron (ENS-Lyon)
  • Elise Jeanneau (Lyon1)
  • Laurent Lefevre (Inria)

General Presentation

In this course given by three teachers we will discover the IT resource management through different point of view. Some ideas are given in the following of this page.

Lecture Schedule

Part 1: Infrastructure

In this Part we will discover different kinds of distributed infrastructure (PaaS, IaaS, SaaS, VNF, etc.)

  • Clouds platform
  • Edge / Fog platform

Part 2: Middleware and ressource management

This part introduces three main topics.

  • Middleware for Cloud environment
  • Data Management for Cloud and Edge Infrastructure
  • Deployment Technics (with practical session)

Part 3: Sustainability in resource management for large scale distributed systems - Eco design and energy leverages on scalable systems

After a survey of why energy is one of the main limitating factor for the design of large distributed connected systems (LDCS) (Clouds, Fog, Datacenters; HPC systems), we will introduce the concepts of energy management and energy efficiency in LDCS. We will focus on various LDCS energy levers, models and algorithms allowing energy reduction at large scale. We encompass energy aspects with full impacts analysis of large ICT systems. We continue by presenting on-going research done in this domain within ENS-Lyon. We complete this part with a Practical sesssion on Silecs platforms dealing with energy profiling and analysis, eco-design and energy efficiency metrics.

Part 4: Dynamic Systems

Abstract: TBA

  • Reconfiguration loops
  • Distributed algorithms for dynamic systems


Evaluation will be based on practical session, article reading and writing a report.