Hinde Lilia Bouziane. De l'abstraction des modèles de composants logiciels pour la programmation d'applications scientifiques distribuées. PhD thesis, université de Rennes 1, IRISA/INRIA, Rennes, France, February 2008.[URL][SLIDES]
Hinde Lilia Bouziane. Ordonnancement hybride pour MPI sur les clusters. Master's thesis, LRI, université Paris Sud, Orsay, France, 1 April - 3 September 2004.[PDF]
Hinde Lilia Bouziane, Christian Pérez and Thierry Priol. Extending Software Component Models with the Master-Worker Paradigm. Parallel Computing (ParCo), 20(2-3):86- 103, 2010.
Gabriel Antoniu, Hinde Lilia Bouziane, Mathieu Jan, Christian Pérez and Thierry Priol. Combining data sharing with the master-worker paradigm in the common component architecture. Cluster Computing, 10(3):265-276, 2007. Extended version of Joint Workshop on HPC Grid programming Environments and COmponents and Component and Framework Technology in High-Performance and Scientific Computing (HPC-GECO/CompFrame 2006).
Aurelien Bouteiller, Hinde Lilia Bouziane, Thomas Hérault, Pierre Lemarinier and Franck Cappello. Hybrid Preemptive Scheduling of MPI Applications on the Grids. In the International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications Special issue (IJHPCA), 20(1):77-90, 2006. Extended version of 5th International Workshop on Grid Computing (Grid04).
Anne Benoit, Hinde Lilia Bouziane and Yves Robert. Optimizing the reliability of pipelined applications under throughput constraints.In 9th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC'2010). To appear. Best paper award . Long version as a LIP research report, number RR-LIP-2010-06.
Marco Aldinucci, Hinde Lilia Bouziane, Marco Danelutto, and Christian Pérez. STKM on SCA: a Unified Framework with Components, Workflows and Algorthmic Skeletons. In 15th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par 2009), volume 5704 of LNCS, Delft, Netherlands, pages 678-690, August 2009. Springer.[SLIDES]
Hinde Lilia Bouziane, Christian Pérez and Thierry Priol. A Software Component Model with Spatial and Temporal Compositions for Grid infrastructures. In 14th International Euro-Par Conference (Euro-Par 08), Vol. 5168:698-708, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 26-29 August 2008. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg.[PDF]
Marco Aldinucci, Hinde Lilia Bouziane, Marco Danelutto and Christian Pérez. Towards Software Component Assembly Language Enhanced with Workflows and Skeletons. In Proc. of the ACM SIGPLAN compFrame/HPC-GECO workshop on Component Based High Performance (CBHPC 2008), pages 1-11, Karlsruhe, Germany, 14-17 October 2008. ACM.[PDF][SLIDES]
Julien Bigot, Hinde Lilia Bouziane, Christian Pérez and Thierry Priol. On Abstractions of Software Component Models for Scientific Applications. In Proc. of the Abstractions for Distributed Systems workshop (DPA/Euro-Par'08), Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain, 26-29 August 2008.
Françoise André, Hinde Lilia Bouziane, Jérémy Buisson, Jean-Louis Pazat, and Christian Pérez. Towards dynamic adaptability support for the master-worker paradigm in component based applications. In CoreGRID Symposium in conjunction with Euro-Par 2007 conference, pages 117-127, Rennes, France, 27-28 August 2007. Springer.
Hinde Lilia Bouziane, Christian Pérez, Natalia Currle-Linde, and Michael Resch. Analysis of component model extensions to support the gricol language. In Proc. CoreGRID Workshop on Grid Programming Model, Grid and P2P Systems Architecture, Grid Systems, Tools and Environments, Heraklion - Crete, Greece, 12-13 June 2007.
Gabriel Antoniu, Hinde Lilia Bouziane, Landry Breuil, Mathieu Jan, and Christian Pérez. Enabling transparent data sharing in component models. In 6th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGRID), pages 430-433, Singapore, May 2006.
Hinde Lilia Bouziane, Christian Pérez, Natalia Currle-Linde, and Michael Resch. A software component-based description of the SEGL runtime architecture. In CoreGrid integration workshop 2006, pages 69-80, Krakow, Poland, 19-20 October 2006.
Hinde Lilia Bouziane and Christian Pérez. Du support du paradigme maître-travailleur dans les modèles de composants logiciels. In Journées Composants JC’2006, Perpignan, France, 4-6 October 2006.
Gabriel Antoniu, Hinde Lilia Bouziane, Mathieu Jan, Christian Pérez, and Thierry Priol. Combining data sharing with the master-worker paradigm in the common component architecture. In Proc. Joint Workshop on HPC Grid programming Environments and COmponents and Component and Framework Technology in High-Performance and Scientific Computing (HPC-GECO/CompFrame 2006), pages 10-18, Paris, France, June 2006. Held in conjunction with HPDC-15.[URL][SLIDES]
Hinde Lilia Bouziane, Christian Pérez, and Thierry Priol. Modeling and executing master-worker applications in component models. In 11th International Workshop on High-Level Parallel Programming Models and Supportive Environments (HIPS), Rhodes Island, Greece, 25 April 2006.[PS]
Aurelien Bouteiller, Hinde Lilia Bouziane, Thomas Hérault, Pierre Lemarinier and Franck Cappello. Hybrid Preemptive Scheduling of MPI Applications on the Grids. In Proc. 5th IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Grid Computing (Grid04)2 , pages 130-137, Pittsburg, USA, November 2004.[PDF]
Anne Benoit, Hinde Lilia Bouziane and Yves Robert. Optimizing the reliability of pipelined applications under throughput constraints. Research report RR-LIP-2010-06, February 2010.[URL]
Marco Aldinucci, Marco Danelutto, Hinde Lilia Bouziane and Christian Pérez. Towards a Spatio-Temporal sKeleton Model Implementation on top of SCA. CoreGRID - Network of Excellence, Institute of Programming Model, Technical report 0171, 31 August 2008.[PDF]
Marco Aldinucci, Marco Danelutto, Hinde Lilia Bouziane and Christian Pérez. Towards Software Component Assembly Language Enhanced with Workflows and Skeletons. CoreGRID - Network of Excellence, Institute of Programming Model, Technical report 0153, 3 July 2008.[PDF]
Hinde Lilia Bouziane, Christian Pérez and Thierry Priol. Combining a Software Component Model and a Workflow Language into a Component Model with Spatial and Temporal Compositions. INRIA, Technical report RR-6421, 2008.[URL]
Françoise André, Hinde Lilia Bouziane, Jérémy Buisson, Jean-Louis Pazat, and Christian Pérez. Towards dynamic adaptability support for the master-worker paradigm in component based applications. INRIA, Technical report RT-0333, 2007.[URL]
Gabriel Antoniu, Hinde Lilia Bouziane, Landry Breuil, Mathieu Jan and Christian Pérez. Enabling Transparent Data Sharing in Component Models. INRIA, Technical report RR-5796, 2006.[URL]
Hinde Lilia Bouziane, Christian Pérez, Natalia Currle-Linde and Michael Resch. A Software Component-based Description of the SEGL Runtime Architecture. CoreGRID - Network of Excellence, Institute of Programming Model, Technical report 0054, 18 July 2006.[PDF]