A. Benoit, Y. Robert, F. Vivien. A guide to algorithm
design: Paradigms, methods, and complexity analysis.
Chapman and Hall/CRC Press 2013.
(HDR) A. Benoit. Scheduling pipelined applications: Models,
algorithms and complexity. Habilitation à diriger des recherches,
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France, July 2009.
[html |
(PhD) A. Benoit.
Méthodes et algorithmes pour l'évaluation des performances des systèmes informatiques à grand espace d'états.Thèse de doctorat, INPG, Grenoble, France, Juin 2003.
[html |
Research reports
A. Tremodeux, E. Agullo, A. Benoit, L. Giraud, T. Herault, Y. Robert. Fault-tolerant numerical iterative algorithms at scale.
Inria Research report RR-9567, January 2025.
[html | pdf]
A. Benoit, K. Kaya, B. Ucar. Connectivity of a random directed graph model.
Inria Research report RR-9540, February 2024.
[html | pdf]
(Ed) A. Benoit. Editorial for Parallel Computing. Parallel Computing, February 2024
(C109) A. Benoit, L. Perotin, Y. Robert, F. Vivien. Checkpointing strategies for a fixed-length execution. In Proceedings of FTXS, in conjunction
with SC'24, Atlanta, USA, November 2024
INRIA Research report RR-9552, July 2024.
(C108) S. Kulagina, H. Meyerhenke, A. Benoit. Mapping Large Memory-constrained Workflows onto Heterogeneous Platforms.In Proceedings of ICPP'24, Gotland, Sweden, August 2024.
[doi | arXiv]
(J57) L. Bautista-Gomez, A. Benoit, S. Di, T. Herault, Y. Robert, H. Sun. A survey on checkpointing strategies: Should we always checkpoint à la Young/Daly? Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), vol. 161, p.315-318, December 2024.
(J56) A. Benoit, T. Herault, L. Perotin, Y. Robert, F. Vivien. Revisiting I/O bandwidth-sharing strategies for HPC applications. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), vol. 188, June 2024.
INRIA Research report RR-9502, March 2023.
[html | pdf]
(WR) A. Benoit, A. Chien, Y. Robert. Scheduling Variable Capacity Resources for Sustainability Workshop. Paris Center of the University of Chicago, Paris, France, March 2023.
[Inria |
UChicago | Workshop Page]
(C107) L. Perotin, C. Zhang, R. Wijayawardana, A. Benoit, Y. Robert, A. Chien. Risk-Aware Scheduling Algorithms for Variable Capacity Resources.In Proceedings of PMBS, in conjunction
with SC'23, Denver, USA, November 2023.
(C106) Q. Barbut, A. Benoit, T. Herault, Y. Robert, F. Vivien. When to checkpoint at
the end of a fixed-length reservation? In Proceedings of FTXS, in conjunction
with SC'23, Denver, USA, November 2023. [html]
(C105) A. Benoit, L.C. Canon, R. Elghazi, P.C. Héam. Asymptotic Performance and Energy Consumption of SLACK. In Proceedings of Euro-Par 2023, Cyprus, August 2023.
INRIA Research report RR-9501, Version 2, May 2023.
[html | pdf]
(J55) A. Benoit, L. Perotin, Y. Robert, F. Vivien. Checkpointing strategies to tolerate non-memoryless failures on HPC platforms. ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing, vol. 11(1), March 2024.
[html |
Also available as Checkpointing strategies to protect parallel jobs
from non-memoryless fail-stop errors.
INRIA Research report RR-9465, March 2022.
[html | pdf]
(J54) S. Kulagina, H. Meyerhenke, A. Benoit. Mapping Tree-shaped Workflows on Systems with Different Memory Sizes and Processor Speeds. In CCPE (Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience), vol. 35(25), 2023.
(J53) A. Benoit, L.C. Canon, R. Elghazi, P.C. Héam.
List and shelf schedules for independent parallel tasks to minimize the energy consumption with discrete or continuous speeds. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), vol. 174, p. 100-117, April 2023.
[html |
(C104) A. Benoit, Y. Du, T. Herault, L. Marchal, G. Pallez, L. Perotin, Y. Robert, H. Sun, and F. Vivien. Checkpointing à la Young/Daly: An Overview. In 14th International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3), Noida, India, August 2022.
[html | pdf]
(C103) S. Kulagina, H. Meyerhenke, A. Benoit. Mapping Tree-shaped Workflows on Memory-heterogeneous Architectures. In Proceedings of HeteroPar'22, in conjunction with EuroPar'22, Glasgow, Scotland, August 2022 [html].
INRIA Research report RR-9458, February 2022.
[html | pdf]
(C102) A. Benoit, L. Perotin, Y. Robert, H. Sun. Online Scheduling of Moldable Task Graphs under Common Speedup Models. In Proceedings of ICPP'22, Bordeaux, France, August 2022. Best paper award. [html]
(J52) A. Benoit, L. Perotin, Y. Robert, H. Sun. Checkpointing Workflows à la Young/Daly Is Not Good Enough. ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing, 9(4):1-25, December 2022.
[html | doi]
(J51) C. Gou, A. Benoit, M. Chen, L. Marchal, T. Wei.
Mapping series-parallel streaming applications on hierarchical platforms with reliability and energy constraints. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), 163:45-61, 2022.
[html | doi]
(C101) A. Benoit, L.C. Canon, R. Elghazi, P.C. Héam. Shelf schedules for independent moldable tasks to minimize the energy consumption. Proceedings of SBAC-PAD'21, October 2021. [html]
(C100) A. Benoit, L.C. Canon, R. Elghazi, P.C. Héam. Update on the Asymptotic Optimality of LPT. Proceedings of EuroPar'21, August 2021.
INRIA Research report RR-9397, February 2021.
[html | pdf]
(C99) A. Benoit, R. Elghazi, Y. Robert. Max-stretch minimization on an edge-cloud platform. Proceedings of IPDPS'21, May 2021.
INRIA Research report RR-9369, October 2020.
[html | pdf]
(J50) A. Benoit, V. Le Fèvre, L. Perotin, P. Raghavan, Y. Robert, H. Sun.
Resilient scheduling of moldable parallel jobs to cope with silent errors. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 71(7):1696-1710, July 2022 (Published in August 2021).
INRIA Research report RR-9340-v2, January 2021.
[doi | html | pdf]
(V2) A. Benoit, J. Jongwane. Quand des erreurs se
produisent dans les supercalculateurs.Interstices,
Inria, 2020. [html
| hal]
(C98) C. Gou, A. Benoit, M. Chen, L. Marchal, T. Wei.
Reliable and energy-aware mapping of streaming series-parallel applications onto hierarchical platforms. Proceedings of SBAC-PAD'20, September 2020.
INRIA Research report RR-9346, June 2020.
[html | pdf]
(C97) A. Benoit, V. Le Fèvre, L. Perotin, P. Raghavan, Y. Robert, H. Sun. Resilient scheduling of moldable jobs on failure-prone platforms. Proceedings of Cluster'20, September 2020.
INRIA Research report RR-9340, May 2020.
[html | pdf]
(C96) C. Gou, A. Al Zoobi, A. Benoit, M. Faverge, L. Marchal,
G. Pichon, P. Ramet. Improving mapping for sparse direct solvers:
A trade-off between data locality and load balancing. Proceedings of EuroPar'20, August 2020.
INRIA Research report RR-9328, February 2020.
[html | pdf]
(C95) A. Benoit, V. Le Fèvre, P. Raghavan, Y. Robert,
H. Sun. Design and comparison of resilient scheduling heuristics
for parallel jobs.Proceedings of APDCM'20, in conjunction with IPDPS, May 2020. APDCM Best Paper.
INRIA Research report RR-9296, February 2020.
[html | pdf]
(J49) A. Benoit, V. Le Fèvre, P. Raghavan, Y. Robert,
H. Sun. Resilient scheduling heuristics for rigid parallel jobs.International Journal of Networking and Computing (IJNC), 11(1):2-26, January 2021.
(J48) C. Gou, A. Benoit, L. Marchal. Partitioning tree-shaped task graphs for distributed
platforms with limited memory. IEEE
Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS),
31(7):1533-1544, July 2020.
(C94) A. Benoit, T. Herault, V. Le Fèvre,
Y. Robert. Replication is more efficient than you think. Proceedings of SC 2019, Denver, USA,
November 2019.
INRIA Research report RR-9278, June 2019.
[html | pdf]
(C93) M.Y. Ozkaya, A. Benoit, U.V. Catalyurek.
Is acyclic directed graph partitioning effective for locality-aware
scheduling? In Proceedings of PPAM 2019, Bialystok, Poland,
September 2019.
(C92) M.Y. Ozkaya, A. Benoit, B. Ucar, J. Herrmann, U.V. Catalyurek.
A scalable clustering-based task scheduler for homogeneous processors
using DAG partitioning. Proceedings of IPDPS 2019, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 2019.
INRIA Research report RR-9185-v3, January 2019.
[html | pdf]
(J47) G. Aupy, A. Benoit, B. Goglin, L. Pottier,
Y. Robert.
Co-scheduling HPC workloads on cache-partitioned CMP platforms. International Journal of High Performance Computing
Applications (IJHPCA), 33(6):1221-1239, 2019.
[doi | html]
(C91) C. Gou, A. Benoit, M. Chen, L. Marchal, T. Wei.
Reliability-aware energy optimization for throughput-constrained
applications on MPSoC. Proceedings of ICPADS 2018, the 24th Int. Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Singapore, December 2018.
INRIA Research report RR-9168, April 2018.
[html | pdf]
(C90) I. Rais, L. Lefèvre, A.-C. Orgerie, A. Benoit.
Exploiting the table of energy and power leverages. Proceedings of ICA3PP, the 8th Int. Conf. on Algorithms and
Architectures for Parallel Processing,
Guangzhou, China, November 2018.
(C89) G. Aupy, A. Benoit, B. Goglin, L. Pottier,
Y. Robert.
Co-scheduling HPC workloads on cache-partitioned CMP platforms. Proceedings of IEEE Cluster 2018, Belfast, UK, September 2018.
INRIA Research report RR-9154, February 2018.
[html | pdf]
(C88) I. Rais, M. Boutigny, L. Lefèvre, A.-C. Orgerie,
A. Benoit.
Building the Table of Energy and Power Leverages for Energy
Efficient Large Scale Systems. Proceedings of HPCS, the 16th Annual Meeting of International
Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation,
Orléans, France, July 2018.
(C87) A. Benoit, S. Perarnau, L. Pottier, Y. Robert.
A performance model to execute workflows on high-bandwidth memory
architectures.Proceedings of ICPP'18, Eugene, Oregon, USA, August 2018.
INRIA Research report RR-9165, April 2018.
[html | pdf]
(C86) A. Benoit, A. Cavelan, F. Ciorba, V. Le Fèvre,
Y. Robert.
Combining checkpointing and replication for reliable execution of
linear workflows. Proceedings of APDCM'18 workshop, in
conjunction with IPDPS'18, Vancouver, Canada, May 2018.
INRIA Research report RR-9152, February 2018.
[html | pdf]
(C85) C. Gou, A. Benoit, L. Marchal. Memory-aware tree
partitioning on homogeneous platforms. Proceedings of PDP'18
(Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and
Network-Based Processing) as a short paper, Cambridge, UK, March 2018.
[html | pdf]
(J46) A. Benoit, A. Cavelan, F. Ciorba, V. Le Fèvre,
Y. Robert.
Combining checkpointing and replication for reliable execution of
linear workflows with fail-stop and silent errors. International Journal of Networking and Computing (IJNC),
9(1):2-27, 2019.
INRIA Research report RR-9235, December 2018.
[html | pdf]
(J45) A. Benoit, A. Cavelan, F. Cappello, P. Raghavan, Y. Robert,
H. Sun.
Coping with silent and fail-stop errors at scale by combining
replication and checkpointing. Journal of Parallel
and Distributed Computing (JPDC), 122:209-225, 2018.
INRIA Research report RR-9106, October 2017.
[html | pdf]
(C84) G. Aupy, A. Benoit, L. Pottier, P. Raghavan, Y.
Robert, and M. Shantharam. Co-scheduling high-performance
computing applications. In: Big Data Management and
Processing. Ed. by Kuan-Ching Li, Hai Jiang, and Albert
Zomaya. Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, 2017.
(C83) A. Benoit, L. Lefèvre, A.-C. Orgerie, I. Rais.
Shutdown policies with power capping for large scale computing
systems. Proceedings of Euro-Par'17, Santiago de
Compostela, Spain, August 2017.
(C82) A. Benoit, A. Cavelan, V. Le Fèvre, Y. Robert.
Optimal checkpointing period with replicated execution on
heterogeneous platform. Proceedings of FTXS, in conjunction with HPDC'17,
Washington DC, USA, June 2017.
INRIA Research report RR-9055, April 2017.
[html | pdf]
(C81) A. Benoit, A. Cavelan, F. Cappello, P. Raghavan,
Y. Robert, H. Sun.
Identifying the right replication level to detect and correct
silent errors at scale. Proceedings of FTXS, in conjunction with HPDC'17,
Washington DC, USA, June 2017.
INRIA Research report RR-9047, March 2017.
[html | pdf]
(C80) G. Aupy, A. Benoit, L. Pottier, P. Raghavan, Y. Robert,
M. Shantharam.
Co-scheduling algorithms for cache-partitioned systems. Proceedings of APDCM'17, in conjunction with IPDPS'17, Orlando, USA,
May 2017.
INRIA Research report RR-8965, October 2016.
[html | pdf]
(J44) G. Aupy, A. Benoit, S. Dai, L. Pottier, P. Raghavan, Y. Robert,
M. Shantharam.
Co-scheduling Ahmdal applications on cache-partitioned
systems. International Journal
of High Performance Computing Applications (IJHPCA),
32(1):123-138, 2018.
INRIA Research report RR-9021, February 2017.
[html | pdf]
(J43) A. Benoit, L. Lefèvre, A.-C. Orgerie, I. Rais.
Reducing the energy consumption of large scale computing
systems through combined shutdown policies with multiple
constraints. International Journal
of High Performance Computing Applications (IJHPCA), 32(1), 176-188, 2018.
(J42) A. Benoit, L. Pottier, Y. Robert.
Resilient co-scheduling of malleable applications. International Journal
of High Performance Computing Applications (IJHPCA),
32(1):89-103, 2018.
(J41) A. Benoit, A. Cavelan, Y. Robert and H. Sun.
Multi-level checkpointing and silent error detection for linear
workflows.Journal of Computational Science (JoCS), 28:398-415, 2018.
INRIA Research report RR-8952, Sept. 2016.
(J40) A. Benoit, A. Cavelan, V. Le Fèvre, Y. Robert,
H. Sun.
Towards optimal multi-level checkpointing. Transactions on Computers (TC), 66(7):1212-1226, 2017.
INRIA Research report RR-8930, June 2016.
(C79) I. Rais, L. Lefèvre, A. Benoit, A.-C. Orgerie.
An Analysis of the Feasibility of Energy Harvesting with
Thermoelectric Generators on Petascale and Exascale Systems.
In Workshop Optimization of Energy Efficient HPC & Distributed
Systems (OPTIM 2016), colocated with the 2016 International
Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2016),
Innsbruck, Austria, July 2016.
(C78) G. Aupy, A. Benoit, A. Cavelan, M. Fasi, Y. Robert,
H. Sun, B. Ucar.
Coping with silent errors in HPC applications. In:
Emergent Computation, Andy Adamatzky, Ed,
Springer Verlag, 2016.
INRIA Research report RR-8825, December 2015.
(C77) A. Benoit, A. Cavelan, V. Le Fèvre, Y. Robert,
H. Sun.
A different re-execution speed can help. Proceedings of PASA'16, in conjunction with ICPP'16, Philadelphia, USA,
August 2016.
INRIA Research report RR-8888, March 2016.
(C76) A. Benoit, L. Pottier, Y. Robert.
Resilient application co-scheduling with processor
redistribution. Proceedings of ICPP'16, Philadelphia, USA,
August 2016.
INRIA Research report RR-8795, October 2015.
(C75) A. Benoit, A. Cavelan, Y. Robert, H. Sun.
Two-level checkpointing and partial verifications for linear task
graphs. Proceedings of PDSEC'2016, in
conjunction with IPDPS'16, Chicago, USA, May 2016.
INRIA Research report RR-8794, October 2015.
(C74) A. Benoit, A. Cavelan, Y. Robert, H. Sun.
Optimal resilience patterns to cope with fail-stop and silent
errors. Proceedings of IPDPS'2016, Chicago, USA, May 2016.
INRIA Research report RR-8786, October 2015.
(J39) L. Bautista-Gomez, A. Benoit, A. Cavelan, S. Raina,
Y. Robert, H. Sun.
Coping with recall and precision of soft error detectors. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC),
98:8-24, 2016.
(J38) G. Aupy, A. Benoit, H. Casanova, Y. Robert.
Checkpointing strategies for scheduling computational workflows.International Journal of Networking and Computing (IJNC), 6(1):2-26, 2016.
(J37) A. Benoit, A. Cavelan, Y. Robert, H. Sun.
Assessing General-Purpose Algorithms to Cope with Fail-Stop and
Silent Errors.ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing (TOPC), 3(2), August
2016. [pdf]
(C73) A. Benoit, A. Cavelan, Y. Robert, H. Sun.
Two-level checkpointing and partial verifications for linear task
graphs. Short paper at PMBS 2015, in
conjunction with SC'15, Austin, TX, USA, November 2015.
INRIA Research report RR-8794, October 2015.
(C72) H. Kabir, J. Booth, G. Aupy, A. Benoit, Y. Robert,
P. Raghavan.
STS-k: A Multi-level Sparse Triangular Solution Scheme for NUMA
Multicores.Proceedings of SC'15, Austin, TX, USA, November
INRIA Research report RR-8763, October 2015.
[html | pdf]
(C71) L. Bautista-Gomez, A. Benoit, A. Cavelan,
S.K. Raina, Y. Robert, H. Sun.
Which Verification for Soft Error Detection?Proceedings of HiPC 2015, Bangalore, India,
December 2015. INRIA Research report RR-8741, June 2015.
[html | pdf]
(C70) G. Aupy, A. Benoit, H. Casanova, Y. Robert.
Scheduling computational workflows on failure-prone
platforms. Proceedings of APDCM 2015, the 17th Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational Models, in conjunction with IPDPS, Hyderabad, India, May 2015.
INRIA Research report RR-8609, October 2014.
(C69) A. Gainaru, G. Aupy, A. Benoit, F. Cappello, Y. Robert, M. Snir.
Scheduling the I/O of HPC applications under congestion. Proceedings of IPDPS 2015, Hyderabad, India, May 2015.
INRIA Research report RR-8519, April 2014.
[html |
(J36) A. Benoit, M. Coqblin, J.-M. Nicod, V. Rehn-Sonigo.
Optimizing memory allocation for multistage scheduling including
setup times. Journal of Scheduling, 19(6):641-658, 2016.
(J35) G. Aupy, M. Shantharam, A. Benoit, Y. Robert, P. Raghavan.
Co-scheduling algorithms for high-throughput workload execution.
INRIA Research report RR-8293, May 2013. Journal of
Scheduling, 19(6):627-640, 2016.
[html |
(J34) A. Benoit, S.K. Raina, Y. Robert. Efficient
checkpoint/verification patterns.
ICL Research report RR-1403, 2014.
International Journal
of High Performance Computing Applications (IJHPCA), 31(1):52-65, 2017.
(J33) G. Aupy, A. Benoit.
Approximation algorithms for energy, reliability and makespan
optimization problems.
INRIA Research report RR-8107 version 2, July 2014.
Parallel Processing Letters (PPL), 26(1):1650001, 2016.
[doi | html |
(C68) A. Benoit, A. Cavelan, Y. Robert, H. Sun.
Assessing general-purpose algorithms to cope with fail-stop and
silent errors.
In Proceedings of the PMBS Workshop on Performance Modeling,
Benchmarking and Simulation of High Performance Computer Systems,
held with SC14, New Orleans, LA, USA, November 2014.
INRIA Research report RR-8599, October 2014.
[html |
(C67) G. Aupy, A. Benoit, P. Renaud-Goud, Y. Robert.
Energy-aware algorithms for task graph scheduling, replica placement and checkpoint strategies.
In Handbook on Data Centers, S. U. Khan and
A. Y. Zomaya, Eds., Springer-Verlag, New York, USA, 2014.
(C66) G. Aupy, A. Benoit, M. Journault, Y. Robert.
Power-aware replica placement in tree networks with multiple
servers per client.
INRIA Research report RR-8474, February 2014.
In Proceedings of EuroPar 2014, Porto, Portugal, August 2014.
[html |
(C65) A. Benoit, J.-M. Nicod, V. Rehn-Sonigo.
Optimizing buffer sizes for pipeline workflow scheduling with setup times.
In Proceedings of APDCM 2014, held with IPDPS 2014, Phoenix, USA,
May 2014.
(J32) G. Aupy, A. Benoit, M. Journault, Y. Robert.
Power-aware replica placement in tree networks with multiple
servers per client.
Sustainable Computing (SUSCOM), 5:41-53, 2015.
Available online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.suscom.2014.08.013
(J31) A. Benoit, L.-C. Canon, L. Marchal.
Non-clairvoyant reduction algorithms for heterogeneous platforms. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience
(CCPE), 27(6):1612-1624, 2015. Available online
at http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/cpe.3347.
(C64) G. Aupy, A. Benoit, T. Hérault, Y. Robert,
J. Dongarra. Optimal checkpointing period: time vs. energy.
INRIA Research report RR-8387, October 2013.
In Proceedings of the PMBS Workshop on Performance Modeling,
Benchmarking and Simulation of High Performance Computer Systems, held with SC13, Denver, USA, November 2013.
[html |
(C63) G. Aupy, A. Benoit, T. Hérault, Y. Robert, F. Vivien, D. Zaidouni.
On the combination of silent error detection and
INRIA Research report RR-8319, June 2013.
In Proceedings of PRDC'2013, the IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing, Vancouver, Canada,
December 2013.
[html |
(C62) A. Benoit, L.-C. Canon, L. Marchal.
Non-clairvoyant reduction algorithms for heterogeneous platforms.
INRIA Research report RR-8315, June 2013.
In Proceedings of HeteroPar'2013, in conjunction with
Euro-Par 2013, Aachen, Germany, August 2013.
[html |
(C61) G. Aupy, A. Benoit, R. Melhem, P. Renaud-Goud, Y. Robert.
Energy-aware checkpointing of divisible tasks with soft or hard deadlines.
INRIA Research report RR-8238, February 2013.
In Proceedings of IGCC'2013, the International Green
Computing Conference, Arlington, USA, June 2013.
[html |
(C60) A. Benoit, J. Langguth, B. Ucar.
Semi-matching algorithms for scheduling parallel tasks under
resource constraints.
INRIA Research report RR-8089, Version 3, January 2013.
In Proceedings of PCO'2013, the 3rd Workshop on Parallel
Computing and Optimization, in conjunction with IEEE IPDPS 2013,
Boston, USA, May 2013.
[html |
(C59) A. Benoit, L. Marchal, Y. Robert, B. Ucar, F. Vivien.
Scheduling for large-scale systems. The Computing Handbook Set, vol. 1, Chapman and Hall/CRC
Press, 2013.
(J30) A. Benoit, R. Melhem, P. Renaud-Goud, Y. Robert.
Assessing the performance of energy-aware mappings. Parallel Processing Letters, 23(2):1340003, 2013.
Available online
at http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S0129626413400033.
(J29) A. Benoit, M. Gallet, B. Gaujal, Y. Robert.
Computing the throughput of probabilistic and replicated streaming
applications. Algorithmica, 69(4):925-957,
2013. Springer.
INRIA Research report RR-7510, January 2011.
[html |
Available online
at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00453-013-9768-1.
(J28) A. Benoit, F. Dufossé, A. Girault, Y. Robert. Reliability and
performance optimization of pipelined real-time systems.Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
(JPDC), 73(6):851-865, 2013. Elsevier.
INRIA Research report RR-7509, January 2011.
[html |
Available online
at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jpdc.2013.02.009.
(J27) A. Benoit, A. Dobrila, J.-M. Nicod, L. Philippe.
Scheduling linear chain streaming applications on heterogeneous
systems with failures. Future Generation Computer Systems, 29(5):1140-1151,
2013. Elsevier.
Available online
at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2012.12.015.
(C58) G. Aupy, A. Benoit, Y. Robert.
Energy-aware scheduling under reliability and makespan
INRIA Research report RR-7757, Version 3, February 2012.
In Proceedings of HiPC 2012, the 19th Annual
International Conference on High Performance Computing, Pune,
India, December 2012.
[html |
(C57) A. Benoit, M. Coqblin, J.-M. Nicod, L. Philippe, V. Rehn-Sonigo.
Throughput optimization for pipeline workflow scheduling with setup times.
INRIA Research report RR-7886, Version 2, June 2012.
In Proceedings of CGWS 2012, the CoreGRID/ERCIM Workshop on
Grids, Clouds and P2P Computing, in conjunction with EuroPar 2012,
Rhodes Island, Greece, August 2012.
[html |
(C56) A. Benoit, R. Melhem, P. Renaud-Goud, Y. Robert.
Power-aware Manhattan routing on chip multiprocessors.
INRIA Research report RR-7752, October 2011.
In Proceedings of IPDPS'2012, the 26th IEEE Int. Parallel and
Distributed Processing Symposium, Shanghai, China, May 2012.
[html |
(C55) A. Benoit, H. Larcheveque, P. Renaud-Goud.
Optimal algorithms and approximation algorithms for replica
placement with distance constraints in tree networks.
INRIA Research report RR-7750, September 2011.
In Proceedings of IPDPS'2012, the 26th IEEE Int. Parallel and
Distributed Processing Symposium, Shanghai, China, May 2012.
[html |
(J26) A. Benoit, U. Catalyurek, Y. Robert, E. Saule.
A survey of pipelined workflow scheduling: Models and
algorithms. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 45(4), August 2013. Available
online at http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2501654.2501664.
Research report RR-LIP-2010-28, Version 2, September 2011.
[html | pdf]
(J25) A. Benoit, Y. Robert, A. Rosenberg, F. Vivien.
Static strategies for worksharing with unrecoverable
interruptions.Theory of Computing Systems, 53:386-423, 2013. Available online at
October 2012.
Research report RR-LIP-2010-18, May 2010.
(J24) G. Aupy, A. Benoit, F. Dufossé, Y. Robert.
Reclaiming the energy of a schedule: Models
and algorithms. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and
Experience, 25:1505-1523, 2013. Available online at
July 2012.
(C54) A. Benoit, R. Melhem, P. Renaud-Goud, Y. Robert.
Energy-aware mappings of series-parallel workflows onto chip
INRIA Research report RR-7521, April 2011 (version 2). In Proceedings of
ICPP'2011, the 40th Int. Conf. on Parallel Processing, Taipei, Taiwan, September 2011.
[html |
(C53) A. Benoit, P. Renaud-Goud, Y. Robert.
On the performance of greedy algorithms for energy minimization.
Research report RR-LIP-2010-27, September 2011 (version
2). In Proceedings of
ICPP'2011, the 40th Int. Conf. on Parallel Processing, Taipei, Taiwan, September 2011.
[html |
(C52) A. Benoit, A. Dobrila, J.-M. Nicod, L. Philippe.
Workload balancing and throughput optimization for
heterogeneous systems subject to failures.
INRIA Research report RR-7532, February 2011. In Proceedings of
EuroPar'2011, Bordeaux, France, September 2011.
[html |
(C51) G. Aupy, A. Benoit, F. Dufossé, Y. Robert.
Reclaiming the energy of a schedule: models
and algorithms.
INRIA Research report RR-7598, April 2011.
Brief announcement, in Proceedings of SPAA'2011, the 23rd ACM
Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures, San
Jose, California, USA,
June 2011.
[html |
(C50) A. Benoit, P. Renaud-Goud, Y. Robert.
Power-aware replica placement and update strategies in tree networks.
Research report RR-LIP-2010-29 (second version), January
2011. In Proceedings of IPDPS'2011, the 25th IEEE Int. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, Anchorage, USA, May 2011.
[html | pdf]
(J23) A. Benoit, P. Renaud-Goud, Y. Robert.
Models and complexity results for performance and energy
optimization of concurrent streaming applications. International Journal
of High Performance Computing Applications (IJHPCA),
25(3):261-273, 2011.
Available online
at http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1094342011414742,
July 2011.
INRIA Research report RR-7589, April 2011.
[html |
(J22) A. Benoit, L.-C. Canon, E. Jeannot, Y. Robert.
Reliability of task graph schedules with transient and
fail-stop failures: complexity and algorithms. Journal of Scheduling, 15(5):615-627, 2012. Springer. Available online
at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10951-011-0236-y,
May 2011.
Research report RR-LIP-2010-01, January 2010.
[html |
(J21) A. Benoit, H. L. Bouziane, Y. Robert. Optimizing the
reliability of streaming applications under throughput
constraints.International Journal of
Parallel Programming (IJPP), 39(5):584-614,
2011. Springer. Special issue of
ISPDC'2010 (see C45). Available online at
March 2011.
(C49) A. Benoit, H. L. Bouziane, Y. Robert.
Assessing general mappings for period/reliability optimization of
streaming applications.
Research report RR-LIP-2010-20, July 2010.
In Proceedings of
ICPADS'2010, the 16th IEEE Int. Conf. on Parallel and Distributed
Systems, Shanghai, China, December 2010.
(C48) A. Benoit, P. Renaud-Goud, Y. Robert.
Sharing resources for performance and energy optimization of
concurrent streaming applications.
Research report RR-LIP-2010-05, February 2010.
In Proceedings of SBAC-PAD'2010, the 22nd Int. Symp. on Computer
Architecture and High Performance Computing,
Petropolis, Brazil, October 2010.
(C47) A. Benoit, L. Marchal, Y. Robert, O. Sinnen.
Mapping pipelined applications with replication to increase
throughput and reliability.
Research report RR-LIP-2009-28, September 2009.
In Proceedings of SBAC-PAD'2010, the 22nd Int. Symp. on Computer
Architecture and High Performance Computing,
Petropolis, Brazil, October 2010.
(C46) A. Benoit, F. Dufossé, A. Girault, Y. Robert. Reliability and
performance optimization of pipelined real-time systems.
Research report RR-LIP-2009-35, December 2009. In Proceedings of
ICPP'2010, the 39th Int. Conf. on Parallel Processing,
San Diego, USA, September 2010.
(C45) A. Benoit, H. L. Bouziane, Y. Robert.
Optimizing the reliability of pipelined applications under
throughput constraints.
Research report RR-LIP-2010-06, February 2010. In Proceedings of
ISPDC'2010, the 9th Int. Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing,
Istanbul, Turkey, July 2010. Best paper
(C44) A. Benoit, F. Dufossé, M. Gallet, B. Gaujal, Y. Robert.
Computing the throughput of probabilistic and replicated streaming
Research report RR-LIP-2010-03, January 2010. In Proceedings of SPAA'2010,
the 22nd ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures,
Santorini, Greece, June 2010.
(C43) A. Benoit, A. Dobrila, J.-M. Nicod, L. Philippe.
Throughput optimization for micro-factories subject to
task and machine failures.
INRIA research report RR-7479.
In Proceedings of APDCM'2010, the 12th Workshop on Advances in
Parallel and Distributed Computational Models,
in conjunction with IPDPS'2010, Atlanta, USA, April 2010.
(C42) A. Benoit, P. Renaud-Goud, Y. Robert.
Performance and energy optimization of concurrent pipelined
Research report RR-LIP-2009-27. In Proceedings of IPDPS'2010, the
24th IEEE Int. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium,
Atlanta, USA, April 2010.
(C41) K. Agrawal, A. Benoit, L. Magnan, Y. Robert.
Scheduling algorithms for workflow optimization.
Research report RR-LIP-2009-22. In Proceedings of IPDPS'2010, the
24th IEEE Int. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium,
Atlanta, USA, April 2010.
(J20) A. Benoit, A. Dobrila, J.-M. Nicod, L. Philippe.
Mapping workflow applications with types on heterogeneous
specialized platforms.Parallel Computing (ParCo), 37(8):410-427, 2011. Elsevier. Special issue of
ISPDC'2009 (see C30). Available online
at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.parco.2010.12.001,
December 2010.
(J19) K. Agrawal, A. Benoit, F. Dufossé, Y. Robert. Mapping
filtering streaming applications.Algorithmica, 62(1):258-308, 2012. Springer.
Available online
at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00453-010-9453-6,
September 2010.
(J18) A. Benoit, H. Casanova, V. Rehn-Sonigo, Y. Robert.
Resource allocation strategies for multiple concurrent in-network stream
processing applications.Parallel Computing (ParCo), 37(8):331-348, 2011. Elsevier. Special issue of
HeteroPar'2009 (see C37). Available online
at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.parco.2010.09.005,
October 2010.
(J17) A. Benoit, Y. Robert, A. Rosenberg, F. Vivien.
Static worksharing strategies for heterogeneous computers with
unrecoverable interruptions.Parallel Computing (ParCo), 37(8):365-378, 2011. Elsevier. Special issue of
HeteroPar'2009 (see C38). Available online
at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.parco.2010.03.001,
March 2010.
(J16) A. Benoit, H. Casanova, V. Rehn-Sonigo, Y. Robert.
Resource allocation strategies for constructive in-network stream
processing.International Journal of Foundations of Computer
Science (IJFCS), 22(3):621-638, 2011.
World Scientific Publishing Company. Special issue of APDCM'2009
(see C28). Available online
at http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S012905411100826X,
April 2011.
(C40) A. Benoit, L. Marchal, Y. Robert, F. Vivien. Algorithms
and scheduling techniques for clusters and grids.
In Advances in Parallel Computing, Vol. 18: High Speed and
Large Scale Scientific Computing. Editors: W. Gentzsch,
L. Grandinetti and G. Joubert, pp. 27-51, IOS Press, 2009.
(C39) Y. Gu, Q. Wu, A. Benoit, Y. Robert. Optimizing
end-to-end performance of distributed applications with linear
computing pipelines. In Proceedings of
ICPADS'09, the 15th IEEE Int. Conf. on Parallel and Distributed
Systems, Shenzhen, China, December 2009.
(C38) A. Benoit, Y. Robert, A. Rosenberg, F. Vivien.
Static worksharing strategies for heterogeneous computers with
unrecoverable failures.
Research report RR-LIP-2009-23. In Proceedings of HeteroPar'2009,
the 7th Int. Workshop on Algorithms, Models and Tools for
Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous Platforms,
Delft, The Netherlands, August 2009.
(C37) A. Benoit, H. Casanova, V. Rehn-Sonigo, Y. Robert.
Resource allocation for multiple concurrent in-network
stream-processing applications.
Research report RR-LIP-2009-07. In Proceedings of HeteroPar'2009,
the 7th Int. Workshop on Algorithms, Models and Tools for
Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous Platforms,
Delft, The Netherlands, August 2009. Best paper
award of the HeteroPar'2009 workshop.
(C36) Y. Gu, Q. Wu, A. Benoit, Y. Robert. Complexity analysis
and algorithmic design for pipeline configuration in distributed
networks. Brief announcement in Proceedings of PODC'09,
the 28th ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing,
Calgary, Canada, August 2009.
(C35) A. Benoit, M. Hakem, Y. Robert. Optimizing the latency
of streaming applications under throughput and reliability constraints.
Research report RR-LIP-2009-13, April 2009. In Proceedings of
ICPP'09, the 38th Int. Conf. on Parallel Processing, Vienna,
Austria, September 2009.
(C34) A. Benoit, M. Gallet, B. Gaujal, Y. Robert. Computing
the throughput of replicated workflows on heterogeneous
Research report RR-LIP-2009-08, February 2009. In Proceedings of
ICPP'09, the 38th Int. Conf. on Parallel Processing, Vienna,
Austria, September 2009.
(C33) A. Benoit. Comparison of access policies for replica
placement in tree networks.
Research report RR-LIP-2009-12, April 2009. In Proceedings of EuroPar'09,
Delft, The Netherlands, August 2009.
(C32) K. Agrawal, A. Benoit, F. Dufossé, Y. Robert. Mapping
filtering streaming applications with communication costs.
Research report RR-LIP-2009-06, February 2009. In Proceedings of
SPAA'09, the 21st ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and
Architectures, Calgary, Canada, August 2009.
(C31) A. Benoit, Y. Robert. Multi-criteria mapping techniques
for pipeline workflows on heterogeneous platforms.
In Recent developments in Grid Technology and Applications.
Editors: G.A. Gravvanis et al, pp. 65-99,
Nova Science Publishers, 2009.
(C30) A. Benoit, A. Dobrila, J.-M. Nicod, L. Philippe.
Throughput optimization for micro-factories subject to
Research report RR-LIP-2009-02, January 2009. In Proceedings of
ISPDC'09, the 8th Int. Symposium on Parallel and Distributed
Computing, Lisbon, Portugal, July 2009.
(J15) A. Benoit, M. Hakem, Y. Robert.
Multi-criteria scheduling of precedence task graphs on
heterogeneous platforms.The Computer Journal,
53(6):772-785, 2010 (First published online: July 2009).
(J14) A. Benoit, Y. Robert, E. Thierry.
On the complexity of mapping linear chain applications
onto heterogeneous platforms.
Research report RR-LIP-2008-32, October 2008.
Parallel Processing Letters (PPL),
19(3):383-397, 2009.
(J13) A. Benoit, L. Marchal, J.-F. Pineau, Y. Robert, F. Vivien.
Offline and online scheduling of concurrent bags-of-tasks
applications on heterogeneous platforms.IEEE
Transactions on Computers (TC), 59(2):202-217, February 2010.
(J12) A. Benoit, H. Kosch, V. Rehn-Sonigo, Y. Robert.
Multi-criteria scheduling of pipeline workflows (and application
to the JPEG encoder). International Journal
of High Performance Computing Applications (IJHPCA),
23:171-187, 2009.
(J11) A. Benoit, M. Hakem, Y. Robert. Contention awareness and
fault tolerant scheduling for precedence constrained tasks in
heterogeneous systems.Parallel Computing
(ParCo), 35(2):83-108, Elsevier, 2009.
(R6) A. Benoit, L. Marchal, Y. Robert.
Who needs a scheduler?
Research report RR-LIP-2008-34, October 2008.
(R5) A. Benoit, M. Hakem, Y. Robert.
Iso-Level CAFT: How to tackle the combination of communication
overhead reduction and fault tolerance scheduling.
Research report RR-LIP-2008-25, July 2008.
(R4) A. Benoit, F. Dufossé, Y. Robert.
Mapping filter services on heterogeneous platforms.
Research report RR-LIP-2008-19, June 2008.
(C29) A. Benoit, F. Dufossé, Y. Robert. Filter placement on a
pipelined architecture. In Proceedings of
APDCM'2009, the 11th Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed
Computational Models, Roma, Italy, May 2009.
(C28) A. Benoit, H. Casanova, V. Rehn-Sonigo, Y. Robert.
Resource allocation strategies for in-network stream processing.
Research report RR-LIP-2008-20, June 2008. In Proceedings of
APDCM'2009, the 11th Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed
Computational Models, Roma, Italy, May 2009.
(C27) A. Benoit, L. Marchal, J.-F. Pineau, Y. Robert, F. Vivien.
Resource-aware allocation strategies for divisible loads on
large-scale systems. In Proceedings of
HCW'2009, the 18th IEEE Int. Heterogeneity in Computing Workshop,
Roma, Italy, May 2009.
(C26) A. Benoit, F. Dufossé, Y. Robert.
On the complexity
of mapping pipelined filtering services
on heterogeneous platforms.
Research report RR-LIP-2008-30, October 2008. In Proceedings of
IPDPS'2009, the 23th IEEE Int. Parallel and Distributed Processing
Roma, Italy, May 2009.
(C25) A. Benoit, Y. Robert, A. Rosenberg, F. Vivien.
Static strategies for worksharing with unrecoverable interruptions.
Research report RR-LIP-2008-29, October 2008. In Proceedings of
IPDPS'2009, the 23th IEEE Int. Parallel and Distributed Processing
Roma, Italy, May 2009.
(C24) K. Agrawal, A. Benoit, Y. Robert.
Mapping linear workflows with computation/communication
Research report RR-LIP-2008-21, June 2008. In Proceedings of
ICPADS'08, the 14th IEEE Int. Conf. on Parallel and Distributed
Melbourne, Australia, December 2008.
(C23) A. Benoit, M. Hakem, Y. Robert.
Realistic models and efficient algorithms for fault tolerant scheduling on heterogeneous platforms.
Research report RR-LIP-2008-09, January 2008. In Proceedings of
ICPP'08, the 37th Int. Conf. on Parallel Processing, Portland,
USA, September 2008.
(C22) A. Benoit, M. Hakem, Y. Robert.
Fault tolerant scheduling of precedence task graphs on heterogeneous platforms.
Research report RR-LIP-2008-03, January 2008. In Proceedings of
APDCM'08, the 10th Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed
Computational Models, Miami, USA, April 2008.
(C21) A. Benoit, H. Kosch, V. Rehn-Sonigo, Y. Robert.
Bi-criteria pipeline mappings for parallel image processing.
Research report RR-LIP-2008-02, January 2008. In Proceedings of
the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2008),
LNCS Springer, Krakow, Poland, June 2008.
(C20) A. Benoit, L. Marchal, J.-F. Pineau, Y. Robert, F. Vivien.
Offline and online scheduling of concurrent bags-of-tasks on heterogeneous platforms.
Research report RR-LIP-2007-48, December 2007. In Proceedings of
APDCM'08, the 10th Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed
Computational Models, Miami, USA, April 2008.
(C19) A. Benoit, V. Rehn-Sonigo, Y. Robert.
Optimizing latency and reliability of pipeline workflow applications.
Research report RR-LIP-2007-43, November 2007. Updated version
RR-LIP-2008-12, March 2008.
In Proceedings of HCW'08, the 17th Int. Heterogeneity in Computing
Workshop, Miami, USA, April 2008.
(J10) A. Benoit, Y. Robert.
Complexity results for throughput and latency optimization of
replicated and data-parallel workflows.
Algorithmica, 57(4):689-724,
Springer, August 2010 (online since October 2008).
(J9) A. Benoit, Y. Robert.
Mapping pipeline skeletons onto heterogeneous platforms.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), 68(6):790-808,
Elsevier, 2008.
(J8) A. Benoit, V. Rehn-Sonigo, Y. Robert.
Replica placement and access policies in tree networks.
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS),
19(12):1614-1627, 2008.
(C18) A. Benoit, V. Rehn-Sonigo, Y. Robert.
Multi-criteria scheduling of pipeline workflows.
Research report RR-LIP-2007-32, June 2007. In Proceedings of
HeteroPar'07, the 6th Int. Workshop on Algorithms, Models and Tools for Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous Networks, Austin, USA, September 2007.
(C17) A. Benoit, Y. Robert.
Complexity results for throughput and latency optimization of
replicated and data-parallel workflows.
Research report RR-LIP-2007-12, March 2007. In Proceedings of
HeteroPar'07, the 6th Int. Workshop on Algorithms, Models and Tools for Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous Networks, Austin, USA, September 2007.
(C16) A. Benoit, V. Rehn, Y. Robert.
Impact of QoS on replica placement in tree networks.
Research report RR-LIP-2006-48, December 2006.
In Y. Shi, D. van Albada, J. Dongarra and P. Sloot, editors, The International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2007), LNCS vol. 4487, pages 366-373. Springer, 2007.
[html | pdf]
(C15) A. Benoit, Y. Robert.
Mapping pipeline skeletons onto heterogeneous platforms.
Research report RR-LIP-2006-40, November 2006. Updated version RR-LIP-2007-05, January 2007.
In Y. Shi, D. van Albada, J. Dongarra and P. Sloot, editors, The International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2007), LNCS vol. 4487, pages 591-598. Springer, 2007.
[html | pdf]
(C14) A. Benoit, V. Rehn, Y. Robert.
Strategies for replica placement in tree networks.
Research report RR-LIP-2006-30, November 2006. In Proceedings of
HCW'2007, the 16th Heterogeneity in Computing Workshop, Long Beach, California, USA, March 2007.
[html | pdf]
(C13) M. Aldinucci and A. Benoit.
Towards the automatic mapping of ASSIST applications for the Grid.CoreGRID Integration Workshop, University of Pisa, Italy, November 2005.
(R3) M. Aldinucci and A. Benoit.
Automatic mapping of ASSIST applications using process algebra.CoreGRID CoreGRID technical report TR-0016, October 2005.
Post-Doc in Edinburgh
(C12) A. Benoit, M. Cole, J. Hillston and S. Gilmore.
Flexible skeletal programming with eSkel.
In Proceedings of the 11th International Euro-Par Conference, Lisbon, Portugal. LNCS Volume 3648, Pages 761-770. Springer Verlag. August 2005.
| pdf]
(C11) A. Benoit, M. Cole, J. Hillston and S. Gilmore.
Using eSkel to implement the multiple baseline stereo application.ParCo 2005. Malaga, Spain, September 2005. [pdf]
(C10) A. Benoit, J. Chick.
Computer simulation of the acoustic impedance of modern orchestra horns.ParCo 2005. Malaga, Spain, September 2005.
(C9) J. Duennweber, A. Benoit, M. Cole, S. Gorlatch.
Native services for grid applications.ParCo 2005. Malaga, Spain, September 2005. [pdf]
(R2) J. Duennweber, S. Gorlatch, A. Benoit and M. Cole.
Component-based grid programming. A case study on wavelets.
HPC-Europa report, April 2005. [pdf]
(C8)(J7) M. Aldinucci and A. Benoit.
Automatic mapping of ASSIST applications using process algebra.HLPP 2005. Warwick University, Coventry, United Kingdom, July 2005.
Extended and revised version in Parallel Processing Letters (PPL),
18:1(175-188), 2008.
(C7) A. Benoit and M. Cole.
Two fundamental concepts in skeletal parallel programming.
In V. Sunderam, D. van Albada, P. Sloot, and J. Dongarra, editors, The International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2005), Part II, LNCS 3515, pages 764-771. Springer Verlag, 2005.
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(C6) A. Benoit, M. Cole, S. Gilmore and J. Hillston.
Enhancing the effective utilisation of Grid clusters by exploiting on-line performability analysis.
Proceedings of CCGrid workshop "1st International Workshop on Grid Performability", Cardiff, Wales, May 2005.
(C5) A. Benoit, M. Cole, S. Gilmore et J. Hillston.
Analyse quantitative de programmes applicatifs à base de squelettes algorithmiques.Seizièmes journée francophones des langages applicatifs JFLA 2005, Mars 2005.
(C4) A. Benoit, M. Cole, S. Gilmore and J. Hillston.
Evaluating the performance of skeleton-based high level parallel programs.
In M. Bubak, D. van Albada, P. Sloot and J. Dongarra, editors, The International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2004), Part III, LNCS, pages 299-306. Springer Verlag, 2004.
[html | pdf]
(J4) A. Benoit, M. Cole, S. Gilmore and J. Hillston.
Evaluating the performance of pipeline-structured parallel programs with skeletons and process algebra.
Special issue of Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience SCPE on Practical Aspects of High-level Parallel Programming PAPP 2004, 6(4):1-16. December 2005.
[html | pdf]
(J3) A. Benoit, M. Cole, S. Gilmore and J. Hillston.
Scheduling skeleton-based grid applications using PEPA and NWS.The Computer Journal, Special issue on Grid Performability Modelling and Measurement, 2005 48(3):369-378.
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PhD in Grenoble
(C3) A. Benoit, L. Brenner, P. Fernandes, B. Plateau and W.J. Stewart.
The PEPS software tool.
In P. Kemper, W.H. Sanders (eds),
13th International Conference on Modelling Techniques and Tools for Computer Performance Evaluation TOOLS 2003, LNCS 2794 pages 98-115, Urbana, Illinois, USA, September 2003.
[html | pdf]
(C2) A. Benoit, L. Brenner, P. Fernandes and B. Plateau.
Aggregation of stochastic automata networks with replicas.
In A.N. Langville, W.J.Stewart (eds),
4th International Conference on the Numerical Solution of Markov Chains NSMC'03, pages 145-166, Urbana, Illinois, USA, September 2003.
(J2) A. Benoit, L. Brenner, P. Fernandes and B. Plateau.
Aggregation of stochastic automata networks with replicas.Linear Algebra and its Applications (LAA), 386:111-136, July 2004.
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(C1) A. Benoit, B. Plateau and W.J. Stewart.
Memory-efficient Kronecker algorithms with applications to the modelling of parallel systems.Proceedings of the International Workshop on Performance Modelling, Evaluation, and Optimization of Parallel and Distributed Systems (PMEO-PDS'03), at
the International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'03).
IEEE Computer Society Press, Nice, France, April 2003.
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(J6) A. Benoit, B. Plateau and W.J. Stewart.
Memory-efficient Kronecker algorithms with applications to the modelling of parallel systems.Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), special issue on System Performance Analysis and Evaluation, 22(7):838-847, August 2006.
[html | pdf]
(J1) A. Benoit, P. Fernandes, B. Plateau and W.J. Stewart.
On the benefits of using functional transitions in Kronecker modelling.Performance Evaluation, 58(4):367-390, Elsevier Science, December 2004.
[html |
(R1) A. Benoit, B. Plateau and W.J. Stewart.
Memory efficient iterative methods for stochastic automata networks.
Technical report, Rapport de recherche INRIA n. 4259, INRIA, France, September 2001.
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