New Challenges in Scheduling Theory, Aussois, France, May 2024.
Scheduling Algorithms for Variable Capacity Resources
U. Chicago seminar, Chicago, USA, March 2024. Variable capacity scheduling
Exposé pour la semaine sport-études des étudiants du L3IF de l'ENS Lyon, Janvier 2024.
Comment trouver un sujet de recherche? Replication is more efficient than you think
LIP seminar, Lyon, France, May 2023.
Revisiting checkpointing techniques and I/O bandwidth-sharing strategies for HPC platforms
Scheduling Variable Capacity Resources for Sustainability, Paris Center of the University of Chicago, France, March 2023.
Scheduling algorithms for variable capacity resources
Exposé pour la semaine sport-études des étudiants du L3IF de l'ENS Lyon, Janvier 2023.
Comment trouver un sujet de recherche? Replication is more efficient than you think
Keynote talk at the
IEEE 34th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD), Bordeaux, France, November 2022.
Handling Failures on High Performance Computing Platforms: Checkpointing and Scheduling Techniques
Clusters, Clouds, and Data for Scientific Computing, La Maison
des Contes, France, September 2022.
Resilient scheduling of parallel jobs
15th Scheduling for Large-Scale Systems Workshop, Fréjus, France, June 2022.
Scheduling independent moldable tasks to minimize the energy consumption
Keynote talk at the 18th International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (IFIP NPC), Paris, November 2021.
Resilient scheduling for high-performance computing
FONDA Lecture Series (Foundations of Workflows for Large-Scale Scientific Data Analysis), Online, June 2021.
Resilient scheduling on failure-prone platforms
Exposé pour la semaine sport-études des étudiants du L3IF de l'ENS Lyon, Mai 2021.
Comment trouver un sujet de recherche? Replication is more efficient than you think
35th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium
(IPDPS) 2021, Virtual, May 2021.
Max-stretch minimization on an edge-cloud platform
[pdf-short-version | pdf-long-version].
Café gourmand et scientifique du LIP, Lyon, Décembre 2020 (online).
Quand des erreurs se produisent dans les supercalculateurs...
LSV Seminar, Paris-Saclay, December 2020 (online).
Resilient scheduling on failure-prone platforms
Slides from 2007-2019
Keynote talk at the 13th International Conference on Parallel Processing and
Applied Mathematics (PPAM), Bialystok, Poland, September 2019.
On the scheduling of graphs of tasks: A scalable
clustering-based approach using DAG partitioning
13th International Conference on Parallel Processing and
Applied Mathematics (PPAM), Bialystok, Poland, September 2019.
Improving locality-aware scheduling with acyclic directed graph
33rd IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium
(IPDPS) 2019, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 2019.
A scalable clustering-based task scheduler for homogeneous processors
using DAG partitioning
Panel at HCW workshop, at IPDPS'19, Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil, May 2019. Heterogeneity in computing: Now and in the future
Keynote talk at PDCO workshop, at IPDPS'19, Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil, May 2019. Optimization problems in the presence of failures on large-scale parallel systems
Keynote talk at 4th GDR RSD and ASF Winter School on Distributed
Systems and Networks, Le Pleynet, France, February 2019.
Resilient and energy-aware scheduling algorithms
Clusters, Clouds, and Data for Scientific Computing, La Maison
des Contes, France, September 2018.
Co-scheduling HPC workloads
on cache-partitioned CMP platforms
ICL lunch talk, UT Knoxville, TN, USA, June
Combining checkpointing and replication for reliable execution of linear workflows
Diversity panel, at IPDPS'18, Vancouver, Canada, May
2018. My three slides
APDCM Workshop, at IPDPS'18, Vancouver, Canada, May
Combining checkpointing and replication for reliable execution of linear workflows
Invited talk at the HPPAC workshop, at IPDPS'18, Vancouver,
Canada, May 2018.
Trade-offs between performance, reliability, and energy consumption
Clusters, Clouds, and Data for Scientific Computing, La Maison
des Contes, France, September 2016.
Resilient application co-scheduling with processor redistribution
PASA Workshop, at ICPP'16, Philadelphia, USA, August
A different re-execution speed can help
Int. Conf. on High Performance Computing (HiPC), Bangalore,
India, December 2015.
Which verification for soft error detection?
6th Int. Workshop on Performance Modeling, Benchmarking
and Simulation of High Performance Computer Systems (PMBS15), at
SC'15, Austin, USA, November 2015.
Two-level checkpointing and partial verifications for linear task
International Workshop For International Collaboration On
Trustworthy Software, Rennes, France, October 2015
Algorithms and Scheduling Techniques to Manage Resilience and Power Consumption in Distributed Systems,
Dagstuhl Seminar, Germany,
July 2015.
Which verification for soft error detection?
9th Scheduling for Large Scale Systems Workshop, Lyon,
France, July 2014. Co-scheduling algorithms for high-throughput
workload execution
Invited talk at the PhD Forum, held with the International
Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), Phoenix, AZ,
USA, May 2014. Resilient and energy-aware algorithms
Invited talk at the 2nd International Workshop on Power-aware Algorithms, Systems,
and Architectures (PASA), in conjunction with ICPP, Lyon, France, October
Energy-efficient scheduling
Algorithms and Scheduling Techniques for Exascale Systems,
Dagstuhl Seminar, Germany,
September 2013.
Energy-efficient scheduling
4th International Green Computing Conference (IGCC),
Arlington, VA, USA, June 2013.
Energy-aware checkpointing of divisible tasks with soft or hard
9th Workshop of the INRIA-Illinois-ANL Joint Lab on Petascale
Computing, Valpré, Ecully, France, June 2013.
Energy-efficient scheduling
Clusters, Clouds, and Data for Scientific Computing, La Maison
des Contes, France, September 2012.
Energy-aware mappings of series-parallel workflows onto chip
International Research Workshop on Advanced High Performance
Computing Systems, Cetraro, Italy, June 2011.
Energy-aware mappings of series-parallel workflows onto chip
GT-ETIC: Groupe de travail consommation d'energie dans les
TIC, Paris, France, June 2011.
Performance and energy optimization of concurrent pipelined applications
SBAC-PAD 2010 conference, Petropolis, RJ, Brazil, October 2010.
Mapping pipelined applications with replication to increase throughput
and reliability
New challenges in scheduling theory,
Villa Clythia, Fréjus, France, September 2010.
Performance and energy optimization of concurrent pipelined applications
Clusters, Clouds, and Grids for Scientific Computing,
Flat Rock, NC, USA, September 2010.
Performance and energy optimization of concurrent pipelined applications
Euro-Par'2009 conference, Delft, The Netherlands, August
2009. Comparison of Access Policies
for Replica Placement in Tree Networks
HeteroPar'09 workshop, in conjuntion with Euro-Par'2009,
Delft, The Netherlands, August 2009.
Static worksharing strategies for heterogeneous computers with
unrecoverable failures [pdf].
Resource allocation for multiple concurrent in-network
stream-processing applications
Defense of my "Habilitation à diriger des recherches",
Lyon, France, July 2009.
Scheduling pipelined applications: models, algorithms and complexity
ASTEC meeting in Les Plantiers, France, June 2009.
Scheduling pipelined applications: models, algorithms and complexity
APDCM workshop, in conjunction with IEEE IPDPS 2009, Roma,
Italy, May 2009. Filter placement on a pipelined architecture
Scheduling for large-scale systems, Knoxville, USA, May 2009.
Mapping filtering streaming applications with communication costs
ALEAE kick-off meeting, Paris, France, April 2009.
Algorithms to handle uncertainties [pdf].
Gotha/MAO meeting, Paris, France, January 2009.
On the complexity of multi-criteria scheduling problems for workflow
applications [pdf].
CS Colloquium, University of Memphis, TN, USA, September 2008.
Multi-criteria scheduling of workflow applications
Clusters and Computational Grids for Scientific Computing,
Flat Rock, NC, USA, September 2008.
Multi-criteria scheduling of workflow applications
University of Passau seminar, Passau, Germany, June 2008.
Scheduling pipeline workflows to optimize throughput, latency and reliability
2nd "Scheduling in Aussois" Workshop, Aussois, France, May 2008.
Mapping skeleton workflows onto heterogeneous platforms to optimize
throughput, latency and reliability
APDCM workshop, in conjunction with IEEE IPDPS 2008, Miami, USA, April 2008.
Fault Tolerant Scheduling of Precedence Task Graphs on Heterogeneous Platforms
Emory University seminar, Atlanta, USA, March 2008.
Scheduling pipeline workflows to optimize throughput, latency and reliability
Alpage meeting, Bordeaux, France, January 2008.
Scheduling pipeline workflows to optimize throughput, latency and reliability
LACL seminar, University of Paris 12, France, December 2007.
Mapping skeleton workflows onto heterogeneous platforms
HeteroPar'07 workshop, in conjuntion with IEEE Cluster 2007,
Austin, Texas, USA, September 2007.
Complexity results for throughput and latency optimization of replicated and data-parallel workflows [pdf].
Multi-criteria scheduling of pipeline workflows
Workshop on Parallelism Oblivious Programming POP 2007,
University of Tokyo, Japan, July 2007.
Mapping skeleton workflows onto heterogeneous platforms
Workshop on Scheduling WS 2007, Cetraro, Italy, June 2007.
Mapping skeleton workflows onto heterogeneous platforms
Alpage meeting, Lyon, France, June 2007.
Complexity results for throughput and latency optimization of replicated and data-parallel workflows
ICCS conference, Beijing, China, May 2007.
Mapping pipeline skeletons onto heterogeneous platforms
Impact of QoS on Replica Placement in Tree Networks